
Is there a possibility I could be pregnant even though the pregnancy test reads negative?

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hi there. Well...there is a chance that I could be pregnant. I am late on my period (although I'm not sure how late exactly because I am bad at keeping track) and I feel nauseous at certain points each day.

HOWEVER, Ive taken two at home EPT tests and both have shown up negative. I would think that by now the level of hormone in my system would be showing up on a test.

has anyone out there ever been pregnant even though the test reads negative? What is the likelihood that I am experiences that?





  1. My last 2 pregnancies I've had negative tests before finally getting a +++, This one I had a negative blood test and 3 neg urine tests before finally getting a positive blood test on CD38. My 3rd pregnancy I didn't get a ++ until CD36

  2. Absolutely (don't know if that's the answer you want to hear). they can be wrong, and it could be that your hormone level hasn't gone up yet, sometimes it can't be detected until about 5-7 weeks.

    HOWEVER (this might be the light at the end of the tunnel)

    I honestly stopped worrying when i was late on my period, because it's so messed up anyways. But, stress (even if you don't realize you're stressed) and anything like it that can cause high emotions, can make you late. It happens all the time with me. If I've been at all stressed, I can miss my period all together. If you miss the start of when your next period is supposed to be though, go to the Dr if you can, and do a test by them. if you can't do to the Dr, do another home test. if it's still not picking it up...i wouldn't worry.  

  3. Yes- I tested when I was about 5 days late.  I am generally very regular.  It came up negative.  Then I tested 10 days later when I woke up with nausea.  It came up positive.   The test that I used both times said on the box that they could tell a few days before your missed period.  Well, it took a couple of weeks after my missed period to get a positive result.  

    So I if were you I would wait a few more days and then test.  You could might be pregnant.

  4. yes it is still possible, the at home tests aren't completely accurate and the accuracy can change with your diet, like if you drink to much water it dilutes your urine and lowers the hormone levels passing through.

    find out how late your period is and maybe see your GP for an ultrasound.  

  5. I was pregnant and I tested a week (and about three days after that)after what I thought was a period and got negative.  It was some heavy implantation bleeding apparently.  Anyhow I waited for my next period after that and tested and got positive.  Went to the doctor and found out I was 10 weeks!  So false negatives can happen.  Hope you get the answer you want.  

  6. YES. I was four weeks late before I could get a positive pregnancy test reading. o_o

  7. My wife's first pregnancy didn't show for SEVERAL doctor pregnancy showed up first on a home test after one dr. test and before the next dr. test-still didn't register!

    So the tests are NOT fool proof!

    Try a DIFFERENT test product and see what you get...and if you still aren't sure, if you can't get to a doctor do to Planned Parenthood!

    Sometimes it will take a blood test AND urine test to show!

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