
Is there a possibility for a Civil War if the price of the oil in the world market becomes higher and higher?

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is there a possibility for a Civil War if the price of the oil in the world market becomes higher and higher?




  1. how you gonna get to this war, hitchhike?

  2. it won't be over oil it will be over food just think everything we buy from the store is hauled by big trucks cost of fuel goes up cost of food goes up

  3. Civil war between whom?

    Gas costs half in the US what it costs in Europe, and there hasn't been a civil war there yet.

    Some Americans may have to get rid of their idiotic Navigators and other huge unecessary cars - that may affect the South more.

  4. No.  Unless we get the population down to under 2 billion tho, you may live long enough to see wars over rice.

  5. A civil war (which is an oxymoron) is improbable. However, as gasoline becomes pricier and food becomes more scarce on the international markets, you could see wars break out between countries or different regions of the world. We'd better wake up and recognize that this Earth has limited resources and it's time that we start to share the planet's bounty with all inhabitants (including every plant and animal species on Earth; believe it or not, we need them for our own survival).  -RKO-  07/03/08

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