
Is there a possibility my girlfriend is pregnant?

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My girlfriends period is a week late.She took a pregnancy test and it was negative all the times she took them.She says she been getting cramps but no blood.We did get into a big argument not long before her period was due.Could it be something to do with stress to throw it off?She been gaining a lil weight but I think that is because of her drinking alot of beer lately tho.




  1. She could be pregnant yes.  Stress will do that though to.  She needs to wait a few more days and take another test.  If is negative I would say its due to stress.

  2. Her period could be late because of stress...but if she is possibly pregnant, then she shouldnt be drinking...very stupid !!  And yes alcohol will put the pounds on ya.  I would not worry about her being preg till she is a full month late, then have her take another test.  I wish you the best

  3. o.o umm.. if there is a possibility that she's pregnant, you both need to stop arguing, and no drinking. but if she's testing negative, wait a few weeks, and try again.

  4. First of all if she thinks there is even a chance of pregnancy - why is she drinking?  Tests can bring back a "false/negative" for a variety of reasons.  Only a blood test can confirm and a physical exam by her gyn...she needs to go see a doctor - not a thing to be playing guessing games with.  Good luck all around

  5. Well firstly have you been having unprotected s*x, has the condom broke/slipped or is she on the pill? If you've been reckless regarding safe s*x, then yes, she may well be pregnant. But if you havent, it furthers the probability she is not pregnant. Give it a week, calm her down and test again if there is no period. If after a week you find she is pregnant, you've got a tough choice on your hands...

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