
Is there a possibility of pregnancy AGAIN!

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I had a m/c with d&c 3wks ago, started back on the pill 6 days after this and did not have s*x until another 5days after this. HOWEVER i only took the pill up until 5th August as i decided i would just let nature takes its course. I started to bleed again on the 6th Aug till the 7th Aug, have no idea if this was my period or was it because i had stopped taking the pill or still bleeding from d&c. Have had s*x again on 8th, 9th and 10th August. Just wondering is there any possibility i could be pregnant again?

I had started back on the pill because i was so confused over what had happened and didn't want to get pregnant again but then once i had time to think things through i decided upon whats meant to be will be.

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  1. stay off the pill and use a condom for a month or two. give your body time to heal, and your mind time to adjust. it's best to face a pregnancy when you're feeling ready both physically and psychologially. don't rush in this.  & good luck

    i don't think you're pregnant

  2. Between everything that has gone on in your body it is natural that you would bleed. Probably not pregnant.  The pill probably stopped your bleeding after your D&C and when you got off the pill you started bleeding again.  But I would stay off the pill just in case.  

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