
Is there a possibility that "dark matter" could be fractal in nature?

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Is there a possibility that "dark matter" could be fractal in nature?




  1. All I know of fractals are that they are very pretty.  I've got 7 or 8 videos of the things, both Julia and Mandelbrot sets, and the music that the artist used was superb.  Back when I occasionally  "experimented" with certain illegal smoked leaves, these videos were in constant use.  Since then they have been sitting on a book shelf gathering dust.  

  2. What do you mean by dark matter?

    Like, dark arts, witchcraft and all that?  

  3. dark matter is a kind of matter that is no made of atoms. dark matter holds gaxalies and other large structures together. scientists have created a stimulation to test how many rotations a galaxy could last. after just one rotation, scientists saw that the galxies just fell apart. when they added a new kind of matter to the simulation, the dark matter, the galaxies became stable.  for years, scientists have tried to search for dark matter. (i think they already found it.) anyway, dark matter is a force that keeps the universe stable.

  4. You like fractals don't you? :-)

    The answer is again no.

    Remember a fractal is infinitely complex and can be viewed to arbitrarily small scales.  As mentioned before there are distinct limits on how small something can get (known as the Planck Length).

  5. I don't see any reason why it should be. At any rate, quantum theory states that everything in the Universe, aside from perhaps space itself, is composed of descrete particles. If dark matter had a true fractal form, that would largely go against our current understanding of quantum theory and would require a lot of mathematical twists in order to be fit into our model of the Universe. With no good reason to assume it is a fractal and plenty of good reasons to assume it's not, I'm going to go with the latter.

  6. No, Fractal is a geometric shape or idea. Dark matter has not shape because it has not visible matter, it consists of dark energy which fills alot of the gaps inbetween galaxies  

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