
Is there a possibility that things will get better in time with the state of earth ?

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Is there a possibility that things will get better in time with the state of earth ?




  1. Nope, i'm afraid not. Too many people bleeting on in the public eye about what we're all doing to speed up global warming, and yes, to SOME extent we all are BUT. The crux of the matter is, that it'll all happen anyway. Simply because all over the world there are VOLCANOES! every year all over the world one single  VOLCANO sends billions of tons of co2 into the atmosphere along with a variety of many other gasses! so what? we're all going to see little men running around the world trying to find ways of 'capping' the many volcanoes out there? I rather suspect not. So whilst we all do our little bit, it really is just a grain of sand on a very very large beach! and the planet will continue to change because of it.

  2. maybe if more envormentalists are here maybe, but i dout it

  3. There is a possibility.  We have no real idea how long it could take.  Things will most likely never be the same exactly, but large improvements are possible.

  4. Cause and effect. We're altering the Earth's atmosphere (in more ways than one) and the only way to change that imbalance is for more people to understand and advocate a viable alternative.

    Sadly that's not happening cos organisations, scientists etc., really only seem to want to make money out of the situation - which unfortunately adds to the likelihood of a disasterous scenario for mankind, the animals, the plants and this planet.

    The Earth is trying to heal itself...

  5. Our present problems are caused by an imbalance between plants and animals.  More carbon in the atmosphere benefits plants but humans cut them down.  If things are left to themselves, the Earth will warm up and sea levels will rise.  Food and land will become scarce and the resulting wars will wipe out the human race.  With no-one to cut them down, the forests will recover and absorb much of the carbon in the atmosphere.  This will reverse global warming and the Earth will recover.

    Then in 2009...

  6. The Earth will still be around what ever people do or don't do. To think humans can effect the Earth is very arrogant don't you think? We can kill off everything but how does that little power effect the planet?

  7. I'm convinced it's irreversible.

  8. That must be the most optimistic view yet ,that i have heard in this section.

    But NO,AS LONG AS THERE ARE MORE &MORE PEOPLE ,things will get worse.

    We don`t appear to improve with our sustainable behaviors.

  9. No it will not get better.  I'm not trying to be pessimistic but from what the bible says, it won't.

    God is going to make a new heaven and recreate the earth to what it was in the beginning.

  10. In an idealistic world, everyone works togeather to prelong existence in peace, but then my daydream finnishes and reality kicks in.  No there aren't enough people to make a differerence, the earth is getting worse and we can't do anything about it.

  11. Sure.  We can start to do something about it, and dramatically reduce the adverse effects.  Here's the plan:

    Could the Earth heal itself, without our help in reducing greenhouse gases?  The world's leading expert on that, James Lovelock, says absolutely not.

  12. Of course things will change in time but in generation to come.The world has been changing so many times but we know nothing of these changes simply because of time interval.During ice age,the only history we talk about,there was dramatic change.You could imangine an interval of about 6,000 to 10,000 Years.What i believe is that the whole universe play a big role of what is happening on the surface of the earth.Check this book`` The quest continue``by Graham Hancock.

  13. I don't believe that us mere mortals are the cause of climate change. It is not possible for the 2 or even three hundred years we have had industry and transport etc to change the earths climate. The earth has been around for over 400 million years and we are a relatively new species. We probably wouldn't be here at all if the changes that have occurred on the earth had not created the right conditions for us to evolve. The earth's climate has gone through numerous climate changes over the Millennia's and will continue to go through changes long after the human race has gone. It is a sad fact that a meteorite or nuclear power in the wrong hands is more likely to finish us off . Until then climate change is just another excuse for fat cats to become fatter cats by making money through sensationalising climate change and blaming it on the ordinary people on the street. If we are causing so much damage to the earth, then why are the worlds leaders allowing so much rubbish to be manufactured only for us to bin it and be charged for binning it. To stop this practice would be a start to show they really do believe we are contributing to global warming but they haven't stopped it and they won't. Big businesses who are responsible for waste will never be stopped, they are afterall keeping the world leaders in power by contributing to their coffers. It's mad and it's sad. So in reply to your question, yes the state of the earth will get better when it has gone through it's natural changes, we just won't be around to see it. Now if corruption caused climate change, we would all be long gone and the earth would be on borrowed time.

  14. The Earth will better itself but that's not the question you should be asking, you mean will we survive it?  The Earth is in a desperate state & is suffering immensely. We may get through it, we may not, it's frightening.  We fuels that are dispersed in our Atmosphere is very great & we should have been trying to save it 50 years ago, and we havn't even started. There will be massive floods, rise in sea levels & the planet will become warmer, thats going to happen anyway now & we are not doing anything drastic whatsoever to help the Earth. All we are doing is just bloody talking!!!

  15. It's already getting better.  Global warming is no longer an issue.  This year has shown that the Earth still can have record cold and snows not just here in America, but in Asia, India, the Middle East, Turkey, Europe, and the Arctic.

    Global warming is over.  We're entering into a new cold period.

  16. After we kill ourselves through global warming (and nuclear weapons) the planet will move on without us. Or hopefully we'll evolve into smarter beings and won't be so ignorant...

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