
Is there a possibility to become a pilot if the person is handicapped?

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He doesn't have arm below elbow for the left hand.




  1. It is always possible but it depends on the disability and whether you want to turn pro (medical requirements are more stringent for the commercial and ATP categories).  I know a paraplegic who flies regularly in a Cardinal that was fitted with a hand control for the rudder.  The bottom line is that if you can demonstrate that you are always in control they'll probably let you do it.

  2. well there would be a small possibility of it happening

    it depends on what the person's condition is.

    but from what i've heard airline companies are really strict and if you have flat feet they won't hire you

    hope this helps

  3. I swear I read something about Rick Allen from Def Leppard reading about a pilot that got his license after loosing one arm.  That was one of the things that got him back into the drums after he lost his arm in an auto accident.  It may be urban legend.

  4. Sorry But I doubt it... maybe if he flew his own plane, but I doubt someone will hire him. Safety reasons.

  5. You are asking about becoming a pilot, but did you mean to fly for a living?  They can fit aircraft with hand controls for people that cannot use their legs.  So, yes, it's possible.  I also read a story about a flight instructor that only had one arm.  The other one was lost in an accident, and was completely gone.  Last I heard, she was flying cargo single pilot in a Caravan.  I would think it would be easier if he has part of his arm, as they could fit an artificial arm for him.  Good luck!

  6. Yes.

  7. During wartime and when a country has a high rate of pilot consumption, if I may say so, then yes. In Britain, during WWII, here have been cases of war pilots on Spitfire fighters who were handicapped people, including at least one with a wooden leg.

    In time of peace, it's something different, even for someone who is not handicapped. You have to be physically above the average, intellectually above the average, and have powerful connections.

  8. Private pilots yes commercial I don't think so.

  9. If its just a private pilot licens its not that big a problem ( I have a friend that have done it )  However a comertial certificate is impossible.

  10. yes... al queda will train you.

  11. Yes you can. A former employee lost his left hand and after fitting a prosthesis was able to regain his first class medical with a demonstrated ability waver.

  12. yes their is a possibility

    if u take a real interest in this matter and want 2 fly a plane with all your heart then nothing is impossible for u

    if a handicape persn can climb mount everest  then why cant u fly a plane?

  13. i dont think do

    sorry about that

    though the capabilities of it are to out stretched and it could be hard in emergencies and it take to arms to fly, unless it is a plane that is specially for disabled persons,

    though keep flying and dont give up

    theres always a silver lining

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