
Is there a possilbe way to turn into a german person??

by  |  earlier

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my friend and i really want to know!! ;))




  1. do you mean citizen or do you plan on morphing?

  2. u apply for citizenship ...

  3. Good question,..but being a German person,..itis just Human being so just like others, you mean here ist German citizen not so easy,.at least when You Married German Guy, for at least you have to Married for about 5 years then You are qualified to apply for a German Permanent Residence. and before that few curses you have to attend specially German Language curses and got your German language zertifikat.   Good Luck.

  4. What do you mean by German person?   your question is kinda goofy

  5. Well you can apply for citizenship but other than that I know of no way to transform yourself from one ethnic to another? Only in comics and movies.

  6. Unless you were born there, you can only change by becoming a citizen of Germany.

    Why do you want to become a German so badly?

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