
Is there a pregnancy test you can buy that will give you a result after only 2 days?

by  |  earlier

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im kinda freaking out, ive been getting bad pains all day and i dont know what to do.

help please




  1. You have to wait until your period is at least due, or ideally late before taking a pregnancy test and expecting an accurate result.

    After you have s*x, if the egg is fertilized (which could happen right away, or it may not happen for a few days if ovulation had not occurred yet), the egg takes several days to travel to the uterus and then implant into the uterine lining. Then, your body begins to generate the pregnancy hormone HCG, which is what pregnancy tests detect. If the level of HCG is not high enough yet, a test won't detect it. Even the tests that claim accurate results "as early as 5 days before your missed period" won't necessarily live up to that. It doesn't matter how sensitive the test - if your body (and everybody's is different) has not made high enough levels of HCG yet, the test won't detect it. Therefore, it is best to wait until your period is due. Or better yet, wait to see if it is late, because you could potentially save yourself the money of buying a test only to get your period on time anyways.

    By the way, "bad pains" can be due to a bazillion things other than pregnancy. They certainly aren't an indicator by themselves. Not even a missed period is a guarantee, because even that can be caused by many things other than a pregnancy.

    Calm down, be patient, and test if your period does not show.

  2. I know that First Response has a new one out that detects a pregnancy 5 days before your scheduled period.

    That's the soonest.

    If you're that early in pregnancy, you wouldn't be getting pains, though.

  3. Nope. You wouldn't even be pregnant yet!

  4. I used first response 5 days before my period was due and i got a positive unfortunately i lost it at 5 weeks,anyone who says you have to wait at least a week after your period has been missed is c**p unless ur not producing enough HCG in ur urine it wont show up.I also took another HPT 2 days before my period was due and it was positive unfortunately i lost it at 5 weeks again.Good luck.

  5. Not exactly.

    But you can go to a pregnancy mothers place where you do these tests which gives you help on your pains and tenseness but not any results on the baby.

    I hope this gives you ideas.If you want me to give you more detail Please ask.Cheers

  6. NO, the closest you can get is 2 or 3 days before your period, and those are not accurate, the only accurate test is done a week after your missed period.

  7. Ovulation happens on average 14 days before your period is due.

    If the egg is fertilised it takes approximately 6 to 12 days to make its journey through the tubes and start to implant in the uterus lining.

    At this stage, your body starts producing the hormone hCG. This hormone maintains the corpus luteum (which is the cyst on your ovary where the egg was released from). This cyst needs to be kept in place as it is what produces the prostegene which will maintain the pregnancy until the placenta takes over at 8-12 weeks.

    As the hormone hCG is what pregnancy tests look for, the levels will NOT start rising until AT LEAST 6-12 days after fertilistion. This hormone then doubles around every 48-72 hours.

    It is possible around the time of ovulation to get tender b*****s, but most other symptons of pregnancy do not occur until 4-6 weeks.

    If you think you are pregnant - take a test, best to wait until 14 dpo to allow for time for implantation.

  8. No. Not a correct result, anyway. Some tests can detect it after 10 to 14 days but they are not always right. Wait a couple weeks and then go to the clinic or the doctor to get a test.

  9. no none show up in 2days, you have to wait. if you have bad pains perhaps you need to take an std test not a preg test. 2days after s*x you dont get symptoms.

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