
Is there a preschool in Orlando that has a pool & offers swimming lessons as part of its curriculum?

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I live near College Park 32789 and am looking for a preschool for my daughter that has a pool. Also, one that offers a graduation ceremony for the little ones at the end of the school year. If you know of one please let me know. I have tried basic searches but come up with nothing close to my part of town, for some reason the ones I have found are all near Conway which is way to far for me. Anyways, Let me know. I'd really appreciate it.





  1. I doubt it. Having a pool is such a huge liability, most preschools can't afford it, the maintenance, insurance, equipment, CPR and swimming certified instructors, etc.

    Your best bet will be to find a preschool that takes trips to the YMCA on occasion.

  2. Does the YMCA near you have a preschool or local health clubs?

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