
Is there a product I can put in my backyard pond to prevent mosquitoes but safe for dogs in case they drink it

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It's empty now because I don't mosquitoes are bad right now. But I know my dogs will try to drink from it (2 German shepherds) and I don't want to put anything in it that might hurt them. Any suggestions?




  1. the fish idea is the best but don't use guppies, they are tropical and will die during winter

    try to find a local lake or pond nearby and collect the small fish in it that look like guppies, they are called gambusia or mosquito fish, they are tough and will eat all the mosquito larvae

  2. Fish will work.  There is also a Bti (Baccilus Thuringensis israelensis) product on the  market that is very safe and effective.  The product is sold in several form- doughnuts that float on the water and release the bacteria into the water slowly, water soluble pouches that disolve and release more quickly and granules that are pretty much instant.  These products are safe (they sometimes even have  an omri listing) and more effective that chemical controls.

  3. I agree with the gambusia fish. They are WAY tougher than any fish you can find for the job, they resist in real hot or cold water and even if the water is a bit salty. Look it up you'll see.

  4. Try goldfish. They are cold hardy and will eat the mosquitoe larvae. You want to treat your dogs for heartworms if there is a chance they can drink mosquitoe infested water.

  5. i would say train your dogs not to do it.

  6. put some fish in the pond ,they used guppies for years in small bodies of water in effort to get rid of yellow fever mosquitoes . also if you stir up the water with movement, splashing,waterfall ,fountain that will help they like still water............tom

  7. Heavy duty mouthwash, like the original Listerine.  You can pick some up usually at a dollar store.  The misquitos can't stand it and it should be safe for the dogs.  I am not too sure about  how much you would use,  it depends on the size of your pond.  I  would add more each week just like you add chlorine for a swimming pool because evaporation will occur.

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