
Is there a program for the homeless to get free travel if they are headed back to a home?

by Guest32440  |  earlier

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I've been hearing a lot about if you're homeless, a welfare office will give you a free train ticket if your destination includes a home where you can live. Does anybody have further information on this? I Googled with no luck.




  1. I work with a Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama and we have an agency that we refer people to called Travelers Aid.  They focus on getting people out of town who have become stranded here locally.  I know that, of course, they require identification and they must be able to verify that you have family or a place to stay where you are going.  I'm not sure of all of the ins and outs of the program, but they may be able to tell you of a program like what you are looking for that is in your local area.

    Their number is 205-322-5426

  2. Sorry.... I have heard of a lot of ways to "get a free ride"  but only to jail....  extradition might get you to your home area...but definitely not the way one wants to get home.... Have you tried actually calling the welfare office and asking?   or....Have you asked at the "information desk" at a library?   Wish I could be more helpful.

  3. Travelers Aid and Assistance is the program you are referring to.  You need to have a contact where you are going that can accept you and fill out forms with them. Good luck

  4. 1-800-runaway might have free travel but I don't know if you have to be a certain age (teen or 20's for example). Part of your journey is opening up to get help so just ask knowing you are being guided to the right people, places, etc.

  5. um.  i'd go to the place in your city and find out.  i saw a poster on the wall in a place in toronto for a program that does that.  and i also heard of people out in western canada getting free trips home.  i wish i did that

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