
Is there a program i could use to find where my wireless connection point is coming from?

by  |  earlier

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i've been looking on the internet for something i could use to sorta track where the wireless access point i'm currently connected to is coming from, so i could move my wireless USB adapter closer to where the signal is coming from and have a better connection. I've tried moving it everywhere but in some places its poor, then it flips then good then down to poor after about 5 seconds, i dunno where to put it.




  1. Hmm.  Your going to have to do a little bit of "wardriving".  There is a program out there called NetStumbler with a gps antenna and a google earth overlay you can almost pinpoint to some varying degree where the AP is located.  Do some research on netstumbler and see what pops up.  Best of luck....

  2. yes, windows vista. you go on it and you click start and click "connect to" and you can see wat wireless connection you r connected to.

  3. ... You don't have a router?

    Are you taking someone elses' signal?  

  4. Unless the owner of the wireless connection has granted you permission, DO NOT use their internet - whether or not it's secure.

    Suggested reading:

    Assuming it's your router, move closer to the router and make sure your router is up as high as you can put it and away from metal or electric/electronic things.

  5. you can not find the exact point where it is coming from the "connect to" all that will tell you is the name of the network and the signal strength there is no way to tell where the signal is coming from unless you know the people in the area and say the "smith" family has one and the name of the network is named "smithfamily" or "smithnetwork" or something like that unless the people you are getting your signal from has there name in it and you know the peoples names but most just say "linksys" or "belkin" the name of the router they are using

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