
Is there a program similar to the peace corp, but for people 17 and older?

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Is there a program similar to the peace corp, but for people 17 and older?




  1. Indeed, the PeaceCorps has age restrictions, and prefers candidates who have at least a university undergrad degree.

    Because of your age and lack of degree and experience, you will need to go with an organization that places volunteers a fee to cover flights, in-country transportation, health insurance, accommodation, food, security, translators, training, staff to supervise and support them in their service, liaisons with the police and local officials, etc. There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations that don't charge volunteers to participate, and how you can gain that experience locally.

  2. Far as I know, there are no age restrictions for Peace Corps tours; they are generally out-of-country assignments in which your special skill(s) are of benefit to a community.

    There's also in-country V.I.S.T.A. (Volunteers in Service to America), re-named durimg the Clinton Administration as  AmeriCorps. Again, no age restrictions; usually it's an 18 month to 2 year commitment. It depends on whether you wish to give your time in or out -f country ~ you can do both. I've done 3 VISTA tours in different states.My mother-in-law went to Costa Rica & taught Organic gardening after she retired from public school teaching! How cool is that?   Your local Dept. of Labor should be able to hook you up with the application process; otherwise, GOOGLE ~

  3. Have you thought about workin with Habitat for Humanity?

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