
Is there a program where if you have caller id and you have your phone cord hooked up to your computer?

by  |  earlier

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that when someone calls it pops up on your screen and tells you whos calling i have cabel internet but i just think that this would be a cool feature to have....




  1. Yes, you can do it.

    All you need to see caller ID numbers on your landline, with your PC, is a V.92 Modem.  

    You must also subscribe to Caller-ID service with your telco.

    Then, have your landline phone plugged into the V.92 modem RJ-11 jack.

    V.92 modems will detect incoming landline calls and display the Caller-ID number on your PC screen.

  2. yes!! with

    it will show who calls.....on the upper right hand a little pop-up window....and you then can decide if you wanna take the call, or let it go to the voice-mail!!

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