
Is there a program where you and a friend can draw things? like a math tutor online application sketchboard?

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looking for an application where i can type to my friend as well as write out stuff (such as in games: iSketch, inklink, Yahoo Graffiti etc.) for things like math tutoring




  1. Elluminate has a free 3-seater vRoom.  It has a whiteboard which can easily handle the sketching you are talking about plus you can add jpeg, png, and gif images such as number lines, coordinate graphs. There is also a built in text chat system and an audio system (you would need a mic and I also recommend it be combined with a headphone so that mics don't pick up what is on open speakers and retransmit what you say making an echo effect).

    I use the full-scale application daily (more than 3 seats) to teach algebra 2, physics, and chemistry, and biology to home school kids. They love the platform and I do to.

    Here is a link where you can link to their vRoom (free):

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