
Is there a proper technique to learn how to have an 'out the body' experience?

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Is there a proper technique to learn how to have an 'out the body' experience?




  1. I had one once, watching MTV.  It was so cool. But never had one since.

  2. If you can remain calm, and focus on your breathing, you will increase your chances...

  3. Psychedelic drugs, ecstatic dance or other activity to drive one into frenzy, and hunger/fatigue/sweat lodges are all ways as have been previously mentioned.  Also, some shamans use deadly poisons to come close to death and therefore have a near death experience, called "ordeal drugs" (not recommended).

    Then there is controlling the mind while drifting off to sleep or lucid dreaming during deep sleep.  I've found that my mind becomes very active as I drift off to sleep some nights, and if I'm up for it I may attempt to control these flashing images and thoughts and on a few occasions have either drifted out of my body in a sort of astral projection or "out of body" experience.  The trick is to concentrate in a subconscious way, so as not to disturb the sleeping mind but to still remain in control... hard to explain.  Deep work with entheogens helps.

  4. My father was a big believer in it and I did read some of the material he had on the subject.  You lie on the bed and imagine yourself lifting out of your body.  It takes a lot of practice and I never achieved it but I have reason to think that my father achieved it.  He had a stroke and had to lay in bed for two years.  We rented out his house during that time period.  The renter said she experienced ghost like activity which I lived in that house for many years and knew that was unlikely.  She said that she heard a voice that said "don't be afraid it's just me" and saw orbs several times.  I believe it was my father.  The activity ceased after my father passed away. One day I was at the store and I saw my father. I had to do a second glance to make sure.  Again, a minutes later the same thing.  I went home and got out of the car I saw a pink flash of light in the distance and a minute later a white light flash.  I went inside and received a call that my father had died.  The practice may be useful especially if you end up like my father.

  5. well there are cultures that have shamans that use a combination of strenuous dance and drugs. other culture use only dance. some use only drugs. some use meditation. some fast and become really hungry and fatigue.

    my personal out of body experiences come from experimenting w/ hallucinogenic drugs...

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