
Is there a proper way of playing politics at work?

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Tired of seeing people not playing fair. I want to learn how some people do it at work?




  1. Office Politics does not mean devious tactics to advance one's own interests at the expense of another.

    Office Politics requires awareness of what is happening, and a studied response. Either to fend off any "attacks" or to seize the opportunity to get ahead. Seizing the opportunity to get ahead does NOT include plotting against someone. Rather, it is how to showcase yourself so you will be seen as the effective person that you are.

    Office politics can be played upwards, downwards, and horizontally. Upwards means being in good terms with your superiors, presenting yourself in the best light all the time. You can also be seen as the rising star by doing things beyond your normal scope of work, and making sure these are noticed. Or volunteering for some work that unloads them. There is nothing devious in these.

    Downward politics is being in good terms with people under you. That means not being mean, and being seen as tough but supportive. Being regarded as mentor. You become more effective when your staff performs beyond standards. And your bosses will see you as more effective.

    Horizontally, you need to be seen as a cooperative equal, until you establish yourself as "first among equals" .They will have to recognize this, and not for you to claim.

    All of the above are considered fair play. Yet you need to learn office politics to shield you from people not playing fair. You do not need to do a t*t-for-tat. That is not office politics.  

  2. learn how they do it. i'm not saying that you do what they do. if you can't beat them, keep on trying.

    if you know how they do it, then you would know how to go against it. if they do someting nasty, you would know how to contradict it. if they make gossips against you, better make alliances with more people. the more people you have, the stronger your chances of people not believing in them.  

  3. Kiss everybody's a** (ace).    I don't know how else.

  4. Playing politics will possibly make you lose your job. Develop a spirit of tolerance and patience. Just come to work,do your job,mind your business. Focus on your goals and remember why you applied for that job. If your job is not in jeopardy, don't worry about anything.

  5. office politics is typical politicking, it is dirty and undignified, yet the "skill" is  definitely an important factor in a successful career, not unless you are an entrepreneur. You need to get along with almost everybody,because one day you may need to use them, be friends with the boss, even he's a pain in the __ ;  be popular, yet backstab, use every circumstance to your own advantage , be it a shortcoming of a colleague, a weakness of your boss, a supervisor who has a crush on you. Are you familiar with the work of the italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, "The Prince"? Try reading it. Though I believe that politicking corrupts your values in the long run, and it is tiring. I cant imagine how one could be happy from the demise of others, and how sweet is the victory  gained by cheating. Not much, I guess.

  6. Sounds like you are in an environment that never made it past the high school stage.  First get yourself a clique together and then pick someone to terrorize.  Do this until they quit or have a nervous break down.  Celebrate your victory at happy hour the next day.

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