
Is there a proper way to cite a piece of a quote?

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I don't want to use the whole sentence,

just the last few words.

How would I write that out in a paper?




  1. yes

  2. "... blah blah blah blah."  

    Quotes, three dots, the phrase, punctuation, close quotes.

  3. the three periods (dots) within quotes indicate that there are missing words to the quotation.

  4. idiots shes talking about citing as in giving credit to someone else so she can use there material.

    try this it will cite anything you want  

  5. "...way to cite a quote?" (iiGOTCHA. <3)

    an ellipsis (spelling?) - the three little dots. They work marvels for partial sentences.

  6. "'Like this.'" use the ' and "

  7. Like this:

    "....(the part you wanna site)" ( 'page number', 'source')

    [you don't have to write the page number if there's no page]

  8. "...quote."

    Dont know what type of citation style you use whether its MLA, APA, Chicago

  9. Very carefully.  You want to make sure you don't take the original quote out of context and distort the meaning of the original statement.  You can get sued or get a failing grade depending on what you're doing it for.

  10. that the part you want. put it in " ". after that. you state the name of the; person who said it, the article you found it in, or the book. you get the point if it's any other thing

  11. "...proper way to cite..."

  12. quotation marks then 3 dots(were u interupt for example if u say the first half of the quote but not the last u put the 3 dots at the end if u quote the middle u pt the 3 dots at the beginng and end and if u qoute the end the 3 dots go at the beging) and finish wit quotations

  13. You would use periods; like this "...(insert the ending of the sentence you want to use here)." Write it like you are writing the whole sentence, replacing the beginning with the ... .

  14. "Life is compelling when it comes to reproducing itself:  it clings to the possibility of extended life."

    " clings to the possibility of extended life."

    Use three periods to show something is missing.  It's called an ellipsis.  Place quotation marks around the whole thing, with no extra spaces, just put the quotes before and after the first and last mark, whether it is a character or a punctuation mark.

  15. you start with putting a quotation mark (") and then following it with a few dots ("...) and then after the dots you start writing the part of the quote you want, and end it with quotation marks.

  16. You would usually put it into quotes like "this" and then cite where you got the information at the end of the sentence. It really depends what format you need to format your paper in. Most common is MLA format but there is also APA, ASA and a few others.

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