
Is there a proper way to handle tough customers?

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i got an internship as a dispatcher for a bus company which people call all the time today there was this lady who's sister didn't get a ride and i kept trying to explain what happened and she was not listening to me at all and she was infuriated and i didn't know what to do so i transferred her to my supervisor. is there a proper way to handle tough customers?




  1. I have a rude and ridiculous customer in the store right now. He's such a loser. He's talking on the phone to my manager and told him to "shut up and pay attention to what I'm saying!" I have a question as well? Why do people act like that? I mean, yes we're located in a richer neighborhood and most of the people around here are yuppies but c'mon? What do people have in them that makes them think that if they throw a hissy fit in a store like a mere child that they will get their way? And I wonder why my opinion of the human race is low.

    I just took a deep breath, sat up straight and looked him in the eye when he talked to one of us to show him that I wasn't scared if he yelled. However, if he starts yelling louder I will resolve to call security and  have him escorted out of here. (I kinda wish that would happen.. It would be funny)

    He's still throwing a tantrum to my manager.

    This reminds me of a time when I was working at a Best Buy and a 5 year old girl came in a stomped on my foot and screamed because we didn't have a copy of the new Wiggles movie. :)

  2. Absolutely, First listen carefully to their complaint, then repeat back to them the problem.  For example "I understand that you are upset that your sister did not get on the bus, is that correct?"  Then listen to the response, then say, would you like me to look into that for you?  Then explain the problem i.e. "that trip was sold out" or what ever it was.  Then ask what she would like you to do?  Always, be pleasant and low key and courteous, the worst thing is to start getting angry back because that just escalates the situation.  Good Luck.

  3. put em in the headlock and l**k their face.

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