
Is there a protest happening in Washington DC in September?

by Guest32305  |  earlier

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I heard that there is a scheduled protest in Washington DC this September. (Please no disrespecting responses because this is America, well the world and I am entitled to my own opinion!) I am wondering how I may be able to get involved. Can you just show up or do you have to be a part of a group or something?




  1. What are they protesting.  If it is anything against Bush.... I'm in!

  2. Yeah, we conservatives who support our President and freedom are going to protest against the liberals hatred of America. Care to join us?

  3. If you don't like it hear maybe you should go back to Ireland.

  4. Who cares? What are the whiners protesting this time?

  5. There is ALWAYS a protest going on in Washington.  Same in many places.  I've seen three separate and distinct protests going on at the same time outside NYC's City Hall.  Washington has even more, at the White House, the VA, Congress, even the Library of Congress, Smithsonian, and the ever popular Supreme Court.

    If you wish to join a protest, go to the website of an organization likely to agree with your views--they'll probably have a link to some planned protest.

  6. there are many groups holding protests and rallies all the time-EVERYWHERE. whether the local papers or TV covers them or not

    A good group is

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