
Is there a proven system to win the lottery?

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I personally know a couple of people that have won the lotto 6/49 twice. I asked them if they have a system, but they just say they got lucky. I'm wondering if there is a system that really works, and if so, which one?




  1. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. An investment team tried to buy all the possible lotto combinations when the jackpot got high enough. Of course, this is not actually a guarantee because you could potentially be forced to split the jackpot with the lucky winners and your pay-off would be lower than the amount invested.

    - The lottery commission of the state instituted controls so that it would be difficult to buy out all of the numbers. While recognizing that the consortium was gambling they felt that it violated the spirit of the lottery.


    BTW: State Lotteries keep a huge percentage of the money for the purchase of the tickets. In Nevada it would be ILLEGAL for a private company to have a game with such a huge house edge. Legally slot machines must return at least 75% of the money gambled. Competitive pressure usually results in returns of 92% to 99%. State lotteries usually return 50% to 60%. This low return is justified because the profits go to education or some other valuable social agenda. However, the cut that goes to private companies for administrative overhead in state lotteries is as high as the profit margin in a private casino.  

  2. I'd have to say no.  

    It's not like counting cards, where the previous hands have an effect on the next one (since you can keep track of which cards are left in the deck).

    If you roll the dice and get a six, you still have have the same exact chance to get another six the next time you roll it, and the next.  

  3. No, there is no proven system, never has been, and never will be. The people you know happen to be very lucky.

    Lotteries are completely random drawings. To win, you need luck and nothing else. Many lottery players study past drawings, trying to figure out which numbers are most likely to come up. It's a waste of time. In random games like the lottery, what happened in the past cannot possibly affect what will happen in the future.

    It makes no difference whether you pick your own set of numbers or have the computer do it. Each one has an equal chance.

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