
Is there a quick cure for cough and cold other than medicines? what about losing my voice?

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Is there a quick cure for cough and cold other than medicines? what about losing my voice?




  1. Yes, I have found that taking unseemly amounts of vitamin C is both effective and safe.

    I usually take about 8000 mg (this is 16 500 mg tablets) at the start, then 5000 mg three times a day until my symptoms are gone (usually in 2 days) works quite well.  In fact, not only do I feel my symptoms going away, I wake up feeling like a million bucks.

    This is completely safe.  I'm not sure how much water-soluble vitamin C a person would have to take to damage themselves, but my 14 yo 120-lb son accidentally took 25,000 mgs one day and he is fine - actually his cold just went away after that.

    the only thing I would watch out for is if you have a sensitive stomach - then I would recommend having some fatty food right before you take the vitamin C to buffer it in your stomach.  I wouldn't do this at all if you have an ulcer.

  2. Drink tea with honey and lemon juice several times per day.

  3. plenty fluids and keep warm no matter how hot. ur body will sweat it out.

  4. Use a infusion of ginger thrice a day.Grapes help a great deal in treating cold in a few days. Consume 1 cup grape juice and also add 1-teaspoon honey to it.Check out for more remedies and information.

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