
Is there a quick way to find local business to get quotes for servies? I hate the yellowpages...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a working single mother. I hate it that I have to search through the yellowpages for a home service quotes. Especially i have the day shift now, and most businesses are closed by the time i got off work. So i end up having to delay repairing my home for quite some time.




  1. I recently just saw a press release in of this new website and I checked it out. This website has a great concept, it's free and very simple to use (simpler than craiglist!). Instead of searching for your everyday needs on Google or Yahoo Locals and Yellowpages and calling businesses to get the best quote, you can post product or service request on this website. You would specify your location and other users and local businesses in your area will bid for the job. So all you have to do is post your request with as much information as possible, wait for bids (which include pricing quotes), and you get to pick the business with the best offer.

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