
Is there a "no junk mail" registry?

by  |  earlier

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I know there is a "do not call" registry, but is there "no junk mail" registry. With everyone encouraging everyone to "go green", I think this would be a great thing to have to reduce the amount of trash and litter that junk mail accumulates. Just curious...




  1. I hear ya..  though my biggest peeve is my credit card companies are constantly sending blank checks to allow me to transfer my card to a "Cheaper rate"  and they wonder why  there is so much credit card debt. Its very easy to steal  these checks and write a check for cash or pay off their own bills... I know this, because it happened to me a few years ago and took me a long time to clear it up.

  2. There is a national do not mail list which will reduce your junk mail and removes your name from direct mail lists.

    I posted this in my March newsletter:

  3. actually you can opt out of "pre-screened" mailers if you look at the bottom of the page on some of these c**p mail adds that you get in the mail there is an 800 # to call. They ask for basic info if you feel funny about giving your social wait and they give another option.

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