
Is there a "sisterhood" between female voters regardless of candidate?

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Now that McCain had the intestinal fortitude to choose a woman whereas Obama chose the "safe" choice of an old wrinkled whiteguy and career Washington insider, will women NOW see who the REAL party for the advancement of women is?




  1. I don't look at race or s*x in voting.  I look at how the candidates are, what they stand for.

  2. Somewhat...but it is not nearly as strong as the black...hood.

  3. I would have voted for McCain no matter who he had chosen as his running mate.

  4. Advancement of women?!

    Apparently you forgot about the lesbians and lower class single mothers!

  5. If there was a sisterhood that would mean McCain could have chosen any female to be his running mate.  What about a black woman?  If he chose a black woman he would not get all the female votes.

  6. While some women may vote for her just because she is a woman, I would hope that they take into consideration her political record and vote accordingly. I think McCain made a good choice and is serious about trying to make reforms in D.C.

  7. I'm not looking for a "party for the advancement of women"...Women have all of the opportunities that are available to everyone else...I have never had any problem accomplishing what I wanted to...If I need 'advancement', I'll advance myself, thanks.

    I'm voting for a president to lead my country...A president who will do a decent job, and not make it difficult for me to do MY job, so that I can continue to take care of my family...That's pretty much it.

  8. Not in the sense you and the right wing extremists hope.

    Palin is not an advocate of women's rights. She's not a supporter of policies that will help families.

    She is, in fact, nothing but an empty gesture--a cynical attempt by the GOP to play on an imagined split (that doesn't exist) in the Democratic ranks over the fact that Obama is a black male.

    McCain has done nothing but show his real contempt for women. People--women included--did not support Hillary simply because she is a woman.  They supporteded her because they believed she was a good candidate. Based on issues, not on what she looked like from the waist down.  

    The sexists like McCain want to believe that women are really as stupid as their male macho mythology claims and will vote for McCain simply because Palin is female, and ignore all the other issues.

    It won't wrk. No woman with any self respect is going to vote for a religious zealot who wants to force their religion down everyone's throats. And that applies just as much to women as to men.

  9. I hate to say it but..some black people will always vote for a black person and some women will always vote for a woman..McCain is probably he smartest man in campaigning history.

  10. Selecting a female candidate that goes against the best interests of women won't fool intelligent women.

  11. When you get right down to it, Palin doesn't really have much about her to attract the average American woman voter. She is a pro-life, pro gun neo-conservative who lists moose hunting as one of her hobbies. She has only a marginal history of campaigning on womans' issues and while she has 5 kids she has absolutely no experience at being either an inner city or a suburban mother (Let's face it, when it comes to raising children Alaska is nothing like suburban LA or inner city New York) so she doesn't know the daily challenges that either of these groups face.

    She is more likely to appeal to existing Republican voters than to voters who are looking for a woman candidate. She may pick up a few female Clinton supporter who are angry enough at Obama to vote Republican out of spite, but other than that she's more likely to appeal to husbands than to wives.

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