
Is there a racial difference between different kinds of asians or is it just nationality?

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Sorry not trying to be offensive or anything but I just wasn't sure.




  1. My grandmas 100% korean and hates everyone haha. I think they all think they are better than each's a big competition..

    Who's kids are going to the best school..Who has the most money..They always think their cooking is better than anything they have ever tasted and if you go somewhere out to eat you won't hear the end of how horrible it is..yeah that's just what i noticed about that side of my family haha.

  2. Genetically speaking, there are as many differences within a "racial" group as there are between racial groups so, genetically, it does not make any sense to define different races within human beings.  There are certainly cultural differences between people from different areas but these cultural differences are learned, not genetic.  The cultural differences do not respect country borders (or more accurately, the rulers who defined the borders had no respect for the cultural groups that may be divided by the arbitrary line on a map).  There are different cultural groups just within Japan, a country that appears to be one of the most homogenous anywhere.

  3. It is a race of People who live in Asia, according to US government's definition.

    Though general population, refers only the people from Japan, China, Philippines, Vietnam and Korean as Asians. And the people from Indian subcontinent(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) as Indians.

  4. Both.

    Physically,not all Asian countries are the same.Others have different type of skin ecc..


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