
Is there a reason as to why I have been skimming so much lately?

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Like, even for the latest addition to the Twilight saga, I skimmed like a few hundred pages of the book. I find myslef doing it a lot lately, I haven't been reading things properly... not every word is read. It can be anything though, like an explanation to an answer on Y!A or an article from a magazine. I mean, I've always been lazy but this skimming thing has become more often than ever. I can't seem to focus on the entire thing because I find myself eager to get to the point, or to get to the end.




  1. Boredom?  Anxiety over something?  

  2. I do the same thing! Have done for many years. I like getting to the point too; I don't like reading 500 words when 100 will do the job. It's the same way with people talking, some will go on and on without getting to some kind of point.

    Maybe I just need to learn to be more patient.

    I sometimes skip to the last chapter of a book because of my curiousity. I generally don't find it a problem, though.

  3. Maybe you drink too much coffee.

    Or maybe you need to just chill a bit. Do some meditation.

    here's a guided meditation that i found that's pretty nice.

    Or just listen to some cruisy music.

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