
Is there a reason kids homework is so much harder now than it was 15 or 20 years ago?

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I was just looking at my daghtershomework and realize she is learning things that I wasn't taught until I was 2 or 3 grades higher than she is.




  1. Would this also mean that you can get rid of your kids a couple of years earlier?

  2. Children absorb more in at a younger age.... If you were taught to walk at the age of 10 or so it wouldn't be as natural to you as if you taught at the beginning of your life.... Think about it we are taught the basics at a very young age... the world has changed signifigantly and techonoly has come a long way and continues to do so.... Children are more knowledgable than a lot of their parents or elders... This is the way it is soppuse to be, you want for your children to do better than you each generation is soppuse to be more knowledgable than the one before. i want a better life for my child.... When I was younger we were learning things in 6th grade that children are learning in 2nd grade.... It use to be you had a good amount of information to put into 12 years of school then you could go to college and learn more about what you were intersted in. Now there is an unlimited amount of information that they wanna squeeze into your grade school years so when you get out of highschool you are more knowledgable when you enter the adult world for college or work force...My daughter is 3 and she speaks spanish and understands it.... she learned that between school and watching Dora but you take an adult and try to teach them a language and it is harder for them to learn... I think that is a neccestity to start teaching young, back 15 or 20 years ago there were few ppl that were considered smart, this generation is considerbly intelligent as a whole. And at least if a child drops out for whatever reason when they get into high school they will have a great deal of knowledge, they have chance still to do a great deal more with there life than a drop 10 years ago... I embrace it....

  3. Isn't that true.  Before we know it we will have to get a tutor for ourselves to help our children with their homework.

  4. Because they are teaching things so much earlier. My 4th grader came home with questions about the circumference of a circle = diameter x pi. Isn't that middle school geometry?!?! In the 4th grade - pie is at lunch - not in math class!!

  5. The worlds a better place. Things change over years. More to study which has been discovered

  6. Yeah there is. The school system is teaching kids younger now things that  we out of high school and so on. Have never learned before.

    the reason is because kids these days are so bored at school the school system is trying to cramp it all in at once.

    I think the school system now is completely messed up. schools need alot of work.

  7. well the honest truth is that because we live in a technologically advanced world. theres no more video cassettes or old school stuff, theres ipods, i phones, and what not. and with Chinese children doing high school coursework at age 12 and 13, the US is trying to keep our nations kids on a level where they're able to compete with other students internationally b/c in a couple of decades, international kids might have a great shot at taking our youths the hw being harder is good, b/c it puts your daughter in a position to become a better learner so she can compete against other students globally.

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