
Is there a reason (other than cost) why all tinned and canned goods do not have a ringpull these days?

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Is there a reason (other than cost) why all tinned and canned goods do not have a ringpull these days?




  1. I think all canned good should have a ringpull, but again, the cost is overwhelming.  If you buy top name brands, most of them have the ringpull while most of the generics and off brands do not.

  2. Not that I can see.

    I reckon they are safer too, as the sharp-edged lid fits inside the empty can for recycling. Most modern tin openers cut in from the side, which leaves a sharp edge all around the top of the can.  

  3. I would think that the pull tops would probably have more of a chance of spoilage or accidently being opened in shipment whereas the old fashioned cans will last much longer. Pull tops are very nice for certain foods but would prefer that I knew the can was safe from any chance of spoilage.

  4. No. It is just cost.

  5. Perhaps to keep the manufacturers of can openers in business??

    No on a serious note I think its mainly costs and to give comsumers and option, everybody likes to feel like they've got options even if it is something so minuscule in the big scheme of things. If you can choose whether you have spaghetti hoops with a ringpull or not then it makes your shopping experince more pleasent therefore you spend more.

  6. There is research that suggests pullring tops have a chance of loosening and low acid foods becoming contaminated. In the US, there are many canned foods still available with pullring tops. Campbell's soups, La Choy products, small cans of Bush's baked beans,Chef Boyardee pastas, Del Monte fruits and vegetables, soda pop, pet foods to name a few. The market is geared toward college students, campers, arthritic people, and the elderly- that may not have or can not use a can opener.

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