
Is there a reason... ?

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that when I go all day without eating..

{like from the time I wake up to like 7 or 8 in the evening... }

I get angry!

For some reason, i get really mad over anything!! Is there a logical explanation or am I just crazy??




  1. your sugar levels become low.  It is your brains reaction to this physiological imbalance (need) in your system that initiates the fight or flight response.  Your brain needs glucose and oxygen to survive.

  2. You are a vampire that eats normal food!

  3. Chemical imbalance?  Maybe like low blood sugar or something?  By the way, that's very bad for you; your body needs food!

  4. Chemical imbalance caused from the lack of nutrition; it's a normal response, because everyone gets that way. Ever looked at hardcore dieters? Yeah.

  5. It's called cranky!  I get it too under similar circumstances.

  6. Chemical imbalance. Denying your body of food can really mess your body up.

  7. I have the same problem. also if  i dont sleep well.. i get angry at the slightest thing.  but there are alot of explanations:

    1. if you are a doormat for everyone, it stays in ur subconscious mind.. and later because of that u get angry at any slight thing.

    2.  more sleep helps :)

    3. to eat well.

    bless u :)

  8. Low sugar. I'm a diabetic who depends on insulin shots, as my pancreas no longer produces insulin..I have to balance calories with my dosage of insulin. If I neglect to eat all day, I would have a hypoglycemic attack, (very low sugar). I get confused, can't think straight. am cranky, and can even become combative with those who are trying to help me. You have natural insulin provided by your own body (pancreas), and similar symptoms can happen to non-diabetics. Each persons bodies puts out insulin at different rates. Some can go without eating for longer periods, and some get low blood sugar rather quickly. When you feel this way eat an apple, or something similar. Candy is not recomended as it temporarily brings sugar up, but then causes a sugar dive (rapid fall), an hour later. Hope this helps.  

  9. Um Yes. Your body doesn't like starving! Low blood sugar can make you not only moody, but tired, irritable, and even give you headaches. You need food no less than 2 times a day. Though most dietitions would tell you it is better, and you can loose more weight by making smaller meals, eating 6 times a day and doing it before you are acctually hungry. Your body needs food.

    Also, go to your doctor, and have your blood sugar checked, it can be a sign of diabetes, however it happens to most every one.

    There are several parts to your body that tell you that you are hungry, and they do so because your body knows that you need fuel to be able to go through the day. EVERY part of your body uses energy, where do you think it gets it's energy from??? if you don't eat it, it will take what it needs from your system. And guess what... Your brain is the biggest energy guzzler of them all. It takes a lot of food just to run your brain, now that is only one part of one system in your body, do you really think that it isn't going to be effected by not eating?

    You aren't crazy, but you do need to eat more often especially if this is the reaction that your body has to not eating.

    Learn to make time to eat, it is very important. Too busy is fine for your mind's justification, but your body will shut down if you keep getting "too busy" To feed it.
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