
Is there a reason......?

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........why everybody thinks the Michigan Wolverines 2008 season is already down the s*****r just because they lost their opening game? Its not like this was a loss to App State. Utah is no BCS buster, but they ain't THAT bad. And isn't is obvious that Michigan's defense has finally settled in and Steven Threet looks like a keeper at QB (Threet almost led us to a great comeback victory you know)




  1. I was actually rooting for them to come back against Utah , Naw just kiddin !!!! So much for your predicted BLOWOUT WIN , my 0-6 prediction is getting closer . don't stress all in good fun

    God Bless.

  2. don't really care...until November


  3. Listen up dude, you've been posting several questions about Michigan and how most outsiders doubt them this year and here is the reality of it. They will suck. Trust me. 5-7 or 6-6 like I've answered last week. Not gonna be happy times in Ann Arbor this year.......too many offensive players are gone from last year.  

  4. actually they do rebound. however, my question is, why did the head coach have to make a qb decision in the first game? he had an entire off season to see who was ready. the qb situation is still questionable though (and yes, i know you have placed faith in threet) and wow i really miss the old offense (and im a buckeye fan). the reason i predicted utah to win was because of the fact that they are more seasoned with the style of offense they run......and their roster is chock full of upperclassmen...which in most cases makes for a tough team. by the way, does michigan play miami of ohio? if they do, i can tell you this. michigan will deal them a slobberknocking game. i watched miami of ohio against vanderbilt and it wasn't pretty. what kind of team has a receiver that literally has the ball bounce off of his hands and into the hands of the defensive back? WOW.  

  5. It will be a tough rebuilding year for Michigan, with new coach, new system, and not all the right personnel to run it. Be patient and you may have a winner long term. Not this year.

  6. Tend to agree! Can't really think of a reason!

  7. That's easy. They lost another opener to a team they were supposed to beat. The first game is almost always scheduled against a team you can get some practice on for your starters, you shouldn't lose it (I guess someone forget to tell that to VTech also). Also, if they can't hold their own against the Utes then why should anyone think they can place any higher than 4 in the Big 10 this season?

  8. Because i like OHIO STATE

  9. I don't think Michigan's season is lost, but the reality is that they won't win the Big Ten this year. Every team has a rebuilding year, and they can be tough to work through, but they can be the foundations for better seasons to come. I like your optimism, though. But I think an 8-4 season is more likely, with the other three losses coming to quality Big Ten opponents (Illinois, PSU, and OSU). But I also think Ohio State won't win the Big 10, either.

  10. NO He did not almost lead you back. The Utes made some stupid mistakes that led to decent field position. You guys are the ND of this year.   1 returning starter on the line in a system that requires the line men to think and make more adjustments  at the LOS. You have a young backfield that is very talented, but to young. A very talented QB (actually 2) but lack experience. At least you have some sort of D, but if the Utes can put up 350 yards in the first Half then bigger, better, faster schools will do the same but worse. I just got done looking at the schedule and I see if you are lucky 3 wins.  Sorry, but suck it up, LOVE your team, and be optimistic for the future, because you wont be down long. BTW I am a Irish fan and I will know what you are going through this season.  

  11. they only lost by 3 pionts. They might purprize ppl this year

  12. i don't really know or care all that much, but its probably because the opening game usually sets mood the for the rest of the season, you want to open up big in your first game, and they came up with a loss, but then again the giants started off 0-2 an still won the superbowl, so its still possible

  13. First of all, it was down the s*****r before the season even started.  Feel blessed if you manage a winning record.  The Wolverines will finish in about 6th or 7th in the Big 10.

    1746 - you know what that number is?

    The number of days since Michigan last beat Ohio State.  And counting.

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