
Is there a reason that AFL players. ?

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What is the motive behind groups of footballers going to third world countries pre-season ?




  1. the motive behind them going to 3rd world countries is to get the players to try and realise how lucky they are, but saying that it is more of a publicity stunt you know famous people visiting a poor box country

  2. I really have no idea

    Lets hope it is to show the professional athletes just how well off  they really are, anyone who has been to a third world country knows what a truly humbling experience it can be.

    Wouldn't it be a good for AFL story if one of these elite athletes  or clubs tried to help these less fortunate people.

    Steve Waugh does it for Indians, and there are also Glen Mcgrath and Shane Warne foundations

  3. i think it is to give players a reality check they surely needed and training benifits

  4. think about it ... the (then) VFL went to Ireland and got several excellent players out of it. Going to the USA would probably yield excellent gate receipts, and TV rights, but to recruit American kids for AFL, they'd have to battle against the GI-normous money paid to college baseballers and basketballers - whereas in countries where poor kids, especially black kids, have little or no chance of a college scholarship, $40KAus a year sounds excellent!

    As well, it wouldn't do a few spoilt prima donnas - is there a male equivalent? - to see how starving teenagers live.

  5. get the game all over thw world

  6. Dubai is one of the richest countries in the world

    and the reason the game will be played is because of sponsors

  7. Maybe the motive behind this new trend is to keep the players grounded, so that they don't get big heads.

    Unsure of whether this is an AFL  suggestion to the clubs, or a decision that the individual clubs make.

    In the days gone by, the players would go to fancy resorts that the average person could not indulge in.

    So it's probably a good move to give the less fortunate a bit of happiness and a few free footballs and other souvenirs.

  8. I'd have to go with an answer that would come from our famous Rugby League fan (what's his name again?) ... Mr Demetrioupolos is h**l bent on pretending this game is international at any cost.

    Dubai by the way would hardly rate as third world.  It is stinking rich - so probably some rich sheik is paying someone something.

    Oh or did you mean the USA?

  9. Iuno. aybe its to make AfL look good cos they are helping those young kids.Maybe an experience. MAybe to spread the game...but doing that aint the best way to spread the game. Im 14 n I know that. They should go to rich countries.

    But I guess it is nice for the kids there.

  10. its to promote the game of AFL on an international level. Consider soccer, rugby cricket. They all have international reaches and opposition. AFL is only played in Australia. If it doesnt expand globally it wont survive and it will be overtaken by bigger football codes who will be able to obtain more revenue from international exposure.

  11. i find it totally unnecessary, with all the clubs crying poor, why do it, go on a bonding trip to sorento or somewhere. who pays for these trips, the Dubai game is fair enough, the league pays i would think, but all the other clubs going over, play the games in front of your own supporters who keep you team up and running.

  12. They want to show the Africans what a lucky country Australia is, to play a game, be idolised by thousands, have so much money and time on your hands that it's best to spend that time, drinking, fighting, womanising, hooning in cars, drugs and bashing your wife or girlfriends.

  13. Pure and simple one-upmanship.  Where can we go that's better than where Hawthorne went? etc.

    Also, the media catch wind of shenanigans too quickly at local resorts.  Players can misbehave more quietly overseas!

  14. I think if you do your research you will find that Dubai is one of the richest countries in the world!

    Imagine getting a sponsor from one of those oil rich multi billionaire companies from over there?

    Also, they play AFL in different countries to get it known around the world. Publicity is the key here.

    I will certainly be watching my Adelaide Crows and enjoying a game of footy again :)

  15. To show people around the world the best game in the world... and South Africa isn't a third world country

  16. Andrew the Rocket Scientist tries to spread the game to countries that do not have money to spend on the AFL. Why, why, why, doesn't the AFL try to promote the game in America where there is MONEY for AFL pockets.

    I guess maybe the motive is kids that want a chance to make more money playing footy than their father did in his lifetime, maybe they will come to Oz to play.

    I really don't know. I am certain Andrew the Rocket Scientist and his cronies don't know either.

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