
Is there a reason why I should ever get a girlfriend?

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I am a junior in high school and I have never had a girlfriend, so I guess I have to accept the fact that I am too shy and too goofy looking to ever get one. I have never asked anyone out-partly because I have never found the right girl and partly because I am afraid of the reactions I would get. I see no reason why I would ever need a girlfriend, or in the future, a wife. I really want to be a father someday, but I think kids would only cause me stress. I see love as useless when it comes to my interests and I can live my life alone, if need be. I like being alone, even as a kid, even though I am not a loner when I am around friends.

I think that I am goofy looking, but girls have told me that I am handsome. I don't believe them because I see a goofy looking person whenever I look in the mirror.

What is the point of having a woman in my life? All I really care about is history and politics. Most women do not care for those subjects.




  1. Well, regardless, love will come to you wether you like it or not!

  2. you'll soon realize that is it a part of life and u will want a partner or soon need one, no one wants to grow old alone,

  3. you were born to be g*y.

  4. get laid whicj is pretty fun

  5. Having a girlfriend is not a reward and only get one because you deserve it.  

    I never dated in high school because I wasn't ready and didn't care.  I was shy and introverted.  I didn't get my first boyfriend until I was 22.  

    If you do not have a positive self image, you will portray that outward.  It is okay to have different interests than someone else.  There is someone out there for everyone.

    I have a great boyfriend now and for me, having my boyfriend enhances my life.  I am now 40.  The boyfriend I had when I was 22 wound up cheating on me after 2 years.  In order to have a real relationship, there has to be open and honest communication.  My boyfriend and I have similar interests and also different ones.  We do things together and separately.  It is okay to have separate interests and it is okay to do things with other friends and not have to spend 24/7 with each other.

    If you are not ready, it is okay.  You may change your mind in the future and want someone to share your life with.  I don't want children, but I want to be married someday.  If you are with someone, it is okay to have alone time.  My boyfriend and I both need days off each week.  

    If someone says you are handsome, believe them because that is their opinion and you may not get another one like it.  Accept the compliments.  Each person views things and people differently.  You will find a woman who will actually like the subjects you are interested in.  You will figure out for yourself what you need and want.  

    Find some positive attributes about yourself.  Cross out the negative thoughts you have about yourself.  I am not a gorgeous woman, but my boyfriend thinks I am  pretty and likes me for how I am, not what I look like.  

    I had never had a good self image of myself, but it hurts you  in the long run.  Like you, no love  yourself for who you are.  God made you in his likeness and he doesn't make goofy looking people.

  6. I feel you man just do your thing you can get a chicken any time. you feel me.

  7. Your ideals will change, do not write off love.

  8. post a picture and i can definitely tell you if you're goofy looking. and trust me. you might change your mind. i thought that too once.

  9. Wait till you start wanting something i like to call "s*x." Youre only in junior high so I assume you think youre goofy looking because you haven't fully matured yet. You'll eventually find someone you enjoy being around and you'll want to spend more time with them. This leads to a relationship. Good luck.

  10. Your young, maybe you haven't hit puberty yet and then you'll want to be with a girl. I didn't have my first boyfriend until i was 16! You will change your mind... if not you might be g*y, which is OK too.

  11. you're young. dont worry about this c**p now. it all works itself out. the stud from my senior class is a huge loser now and the biggest dork is a millionare with a super hot wife. high school has little to do with the person you will become someday!

  12. one day when your older there will be days when you do feel alittle lonely but being alone is also good i donno u do what u feel makes u happy k ! good luck !

  13. i don't think girls are into guys with such low self esteem. serves no positive purpose.

  14. lighten up, you sound mad depressed dude, you're in middle school, ****

  15. you know i used to think just like you when I was your age...until I got kicked out of high school. then I became really, really lonely and wanted to have some friends. now still lonely I wish i would be so. and when you say "I really want to be a father someday", the only way to be a father is to have a wife!

  16. I've never had a girlfriend and I am 2 months away from my junior year. I am handsome, intelligent, and athletic. I am also afraid of girls reactions.

  17. well then be a history teacher n live alone if thasts what u think is best for u to live alone n not have kids some 1 u can teach everything n love n always be there for u then no one can change ur mind then go for it

  18. Other than companionship, there is no real reason why you "need" a woman in your life right now.  That being said, I truly believe there is the right person for everyone.  Someday you'll find the woman that cares about and is interested in the same things as you and you'll fall madly in love with her.  Then you'll understand.

  19. i grew up as "goonie" as anybody. i hate no luck at all in high school with girls and i ended up having a very nice girlfriend (7 years now). it'll come to you.

    there is never a person who "NEEDS" a bf/gf. maybe just me

  20. you'll understand when you're older

  21. awh okay don't worry you'll probably find someone in collage and some girls do like politics and stuff just probably not yet there are women in politics if you need proof everyone has their someone

  22. if you want a girlfriend you'd have to ask one out.

    it's ok

    i'm a jr, i've never had a boyfriend even though ive had a lot of opportunites to.

    its just not for me

  23. if ur happy by ur self then be by urself its ur life ur decision but im sure as u get older u'll change ur mind... dont want to be old and in a nursing home with noone to look after u do ya ;)

  24. find sum1 as ****** up as u then be together, the best reason? s*x!!! wooo hooo lol

  25. That's really sad if you want to be alone for the rest of your life. I mean focusing on school is great, and there's nothing wrong with being single, but you just seem like you have no feelings.

  26. I got nothing,

  27. When you get older the answers will come to you. Dating in junior high is just for practice. As you get older you will see the value of having a mate.

  28. then dont get in a relationship no ones making you

  29. your first girlfriends are gona kinda be like practice for when u accually like a girl u know what to do in a relationship

  30. I feel sorta the same way, except i have had girlfriends and i know that it's a good feeling to have one, someone who likes and respects you for who you are. Try it, and then see if you should really spend the rest of your life alone?

  31. You're still young. It will change.

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