
Is there a reason why i should live?

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I feel lonely, i have no-body my friends have moved on from me. I have stress on my head because of my mom's depression and i feel like c**p. I hate living. I feel like i am trapped inside a prison cell and i can't escape from it. What's the point of this stupid life. I should be out there, having fun.





  1. well God gave us all a purpose live it to the fulluest exstition but form a relationship wit him and he will make it so u wont be lonely

  2. i can help you out. everybody gets lonely sometimes, you just need someone to talk to.  

  3. What is preventing you from having fun? Do you "need" someone else in your life or are you comfortable being by yourself?

  4. He he

  5. then go have some fun.... beer helps!

  6. Wollowing won't get you anywhere, you have to do.  Work out, go for a bike ride, try meeting new people at places you enjoy.

    always works for me.

  7. If you're old enough or when you get old enough, move out and get away from the depressed mom. Parents use their kids as emotional trash cans and dump all their unhappiness of their lives, on their kids. You are not your Mom. An Entirely different person and don't let a toxic homelife ruin your life. Best advice is move out. You'll like or even love living, when you're not around toxic people.

    If someone's life is unhappy, it doesn't mean they have to drag you down, let it happen. People will do only what you allow them to do. Be above this. Her problems are not your problems.

  8. bay bay there is a reason you should live life is full of suprises good ones and bad you need to go out a little more meet new people dont be afraid to say hi to random people if you need people to talk to you can email me if you want! dont stress out so much live a little

  9. Welcome to my life!!!

    I asked myself that same question, and I'll tell you the answer

    there are MANY reasons for you to live:

    do activities with your mother, show her there is another way to escape from depression, and that will help you too

    don't think about friends, they come and go, the important thing is that your learn from them, you gain experiences and that makes you stronger

    sing!! do things that makes you happy!

    have you ever thought that maybe...just maybe.,.,your reason to live is to help others? to help your mom? this might sound stupid...but you can be her hero

    be the survivor! =]

    Good luck! :]

  10. It sounds like you need a day to have fun.

    Go on a shopping spree by yourself

    Pick out some new clothes

    Maybe you'll feel like a new sort of person

    Don't at all do what the first person wrote - do not drink beer.

    That will lead you further down the bad road.

  11. try to think positive! find something to be happy aboutttt!!! do fun things... even looking for cute or funny videos or pictures or articles or something=)

    life stinks for me now too! but i just make my dog dance to hamster dance and i'm fine xD

    good luck!

  12. stop bein so F***ing emo. Go out, have fun, meet someone new. If you're in school, take a new class away from the norm, and meet new people. Maybe you just haven't found your place. And think: if you killed yourself, you'd hurt somebody, and do you really want to do that?

  13. Not everyone is going to be happy all the time.Join a church,meet people.Suicide is never the answer.It is so devastating to the people who love you.God did not make you to take your life.He made you for a reason.Get hobbies,find someone with similar interests.Trust me ,I know what I am talking about.My sister committed suicide ,we just buried her.It is never the answer.Good luck.If you want to chat more with me ,you can e-mail me at wildcat196620002000@yahoo.

  14. So .. life is what you make it .. start making a better life.

    Find a friend, make a friend, find a hobby, do something to occupy your mind .. your butt will follow !

  15. We all have our low points. Everyone has that moment when they feel like they are putting a lot of work into nothing but you have to remember the good times and work tward new ones. Dont think about things as pyling up think about them changing. My mom used to always say the wind has to stop blowing before it can blow the other way. meaning it seems like things have stopped and nothing is going right but your wind is just adjusting to blow you the other way. keep your head up and stop thinking about death. Your situation could be worst, with all the aids and difiguredments and hunger going on, your problem would be a walk in the park for the less fortunate.

  16. All of us in this life have felt the way you do now, we have moved past this terrible feeling, you are the most important person in your life. Sit down, talk to your grandparents, teachers, best friends etc, if you parents are depressed, that's their choice not to do anything about it. Drowning people will always take someone with them, your better than that. Get up, get out of the house, walk in the park, take a loaf of bread (not white) feed the pigeons, ducks, yourself, the world is yours to do what you want, but you have to try!!

  17. There is a reason for you to live though you may not know that reason at this time.  I am sorry that you are feeling this way.   Is there no one around that your are friends with?   No other family?   Do you work somewhere or go to school?    Is there someone that you can help out...sometimes that help us if we turn our thoughts and energies to helping other and not focus so much on ourselves.    You are loved by and important to someone that you may not realize.   Carolyn

  18. Every life is important, no matter what. We all live for different things. All you have to do is just find your meaning, which you will, and live for it! I hope that helps!

  19. I am sorry you are having a hard time wiht life right now... BUT IT WIIL GET BETTER!  Just because your friends have moved away, doesn't mean they are not your friends anymore!  Spend $20 a get a webcam & visit with them again!  If you are in a "prison", it was created by you.  Life is what you make of it!  You can wallow in the negative, or choose to see the possitive!  It's sad that your mom has depression and I know it is hard & you feel bad for her, but it's HER depression, not yours!  You know, it may help your mom to feel better if she saw you loving life!  She may have issues about the life she created for you & how it's not all she had hoped for.  Get out there & live and love life!  It's the only one you've got!!  Have a blast!  Make the most of it!  Who knows, maybe mom will see the fun your having and decide to join you!  Wouldn't that be awesome?

    This life isn't stupid.... but your attitude is.  Sorry... the truth hurts.  Turn yourself around and love YOUR life!  

    Here's one of my favorite quotes... maybe you can find some strength in it... "Begin at once to live, and to count each seperate day as a seperate life." (by Seneca).  No matter how bad things seem today... you get to begin again tomorrow with a fresh slate and a new beginning! It's never too late to begin loving life!

  20. Hi there,

    I know at times, life can seem pretty pointless.. but there is always a light at the end.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.... "Yeah right" you probably think but actually, things sometimes do work out fine in the end.

    What you need is a good friend to talk to you.

    You can reach me any time if you want to talk at either on MSN or through E-Mail.

    Linzi. xx

  21. Yes! their is beauty in the world and you just have to go out and find it! People love you. Even if you think they don't, i promise you they do! Get out of your mind and find out what other people have to offer! please live. have have been were you are, and death is not worth it. get passionate about something! Look around yourself and smile, if only for a moment! Look in a joke book, listen to a favorite song, volunteer! people need you!  

  22. why are you telling us..go have fun...use your imagination..i cant think of something that bad for a girl your of your youth that you would want to end your life..we all have down times..i mean real bad down times..but we usually make it back up..if you want to feel better..look at others who live on the streets...or other country's where people live in slums and have no food or water or in war torn country' dont have any problems compared to them..make a large copy of my avatar a put it next to your puter..that will make you smile...or at least scream...we all love you

  23. you must feel terrible. I find the best solution to this is join a sports club or start some other kind of activity.

    Sport clears your mind and it is easy to make friends in a club.

    Hope you will be better soon!

  24. one life is worth more than the world system...cherish your life. and live life to the fullest..I've gone through some terrible c**p in my life..real terrible things. I'm basically in a place where none of my friends are near...I have stress from all the big changes that has happened in my life. I have no parents to comfort me anymore. One of the few people I held closest to my heart...hurt me the most..really hurt me..but I get through! Go out and make some new friends!! Have some fun =D. it'll get better! it's getting better for me..i'm sure it'll get better for you!!

  25. I can understand how you feel. I used to feel lonely as well. Please read the book "Secret" . You can buy the book or borrow from library.

    You can change your life by changing how you think.

  26. There are too many reasons to live to list here.  Leave the past in the past and look to the future.  Seek some medical treatment for your depression and realize that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.  Send me an email if you need a friend...

  27. WOW

    wait a min.

    everybody is born for a reason, and maybe this is a new beginning for you

    get a total makeover and then start studying, become a succesful person and do your best

    i think your great so dont bail out hun :)

  28. You definitely need to see a counsellor.  If you cant afford one - get to your local crisis center and talk to someone for free.  They can refer you to low-cost or assisted-pay counselling.  If this is not the answer - then get out there and find yourself some (save &  healthy) fun.  

  29. Move on yourself, make new friends, you can't let your mom's depression stress you out. Recommend that she goes see a doctor or psychiatrist. Maybe talking her problems out to others that will give her great advice will help both of you out. When I was feeling like that, I just shut myself up in my room and listened to Gospel all day. My mood quickkly changed and I felt better.  

  30. my mother also suffers from depression and i recently moved so i am to alone and to cope with my feeling alone i play online games. of course i am only 14 but i have met very many older people playing games so maybe it could help a little. =)

  31. You need to know that at a lot of life can be crappy but you never know what your future holds. Don't give up because things are rough. Every life can be turned around and please keep that in mind always. there is a pretty frustrating but very true saying "everything will eventually work out" Go out try to make new friends your old friends do not determine your worth. If you have a hard time meeting new people its ok. Finding good friends takes a long time. And as for your moms depression look in the phone book for free help with that get her in counseling or for your self to help you deal with it all. There is no shame in seeking help for things you are forced to deal with. And go have fun make your own fun you can make the rules its your life and you deserve to enjoy it no matter how anyone else feels!!

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