
Is there a reason why they tell you not to refill plastic water bottles?

by Guest33942  |  earlier

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Well, why do they? Is it because they're afraid the water you put in there's not filtered? Because they'll lose money? Or is it that thing I read about in the news, when they said that some plastic can eradicate with time? Have I hit the jackpot on any of these guesses?




  1. Jackpot on the second try!

    It's important so that manufacturers and vendors can sell you more of those very costly bottles filled with very cheap water. Bottled water is enormously expensive. In fact, it's far more expensive than gasoline!

    However, bottled water is not safer, healthier, or better tasting than 99% of the tap water in most developed countries.

    Therefore, the bottled water folks have to keep disinformation like this circulating.

  2. Within the passage of time the pcv's (parts of the plastic) can leach into the water.  Basically that's really bad because pcv's do cause cancer.  With virtually all beverages coming in plastic you can pick up a lot of those - not good.  But refilling plastic bottles with water is fine - unless you leave it in for too long and it picks up pcv's.  Basically drink the liquids in plastic bottles quickly before they pick up the pcv's.  Refilling is not only cheaper, but the liquid in tap water is fresh, while the water in the plastic water bottle may have been sitting on a shelf for months.  Refilling is just great.

  3. I heard it causes lots of bacteria.

  4. i dont know what eradicate means but its cuz they want you to buy more stuff.*hint hint*(do it any way)

  5. idk

  6. It was on the news here a few months ago that you CAN refill your water bottles.. but you should clean them with hot soapy water first. There have been found traces of infectious virus' on water bottles that were not cleaned. The water sitting in them...combined w/the saliva from ppl's mouths were a breeding ground for parasites. I always wash my water bottles well before refilling.

  7. Snopes has information on this subject and it's very intresting.

  8. what happens is the plastic has chemicals that get released if the bottle is in hot or cold temperatures, and reusing the water bottle would mean that u keep drinking the chemicals.

  9. nope i thinks its cuzz like u no it says a date when the water ill be no gud well thats not cuz like  waters not  cgud that the day when like the chemical that r in the plastic goes into the water soo thats probley the reason they tell u no to refill them cuz the chemical r probley affecting ur water  the only reason i no this is because we learned ths in eng class this year

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