
Is there a register of all local televison channels that carry news in english in india. In every State.?

by  |  earlier

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I am a qualified television news reporter. I want to live and work in india. I have some knowlege of hindi and Gujarati but my stong point is english language. I want to know if there is register of local and regional(state wide) tv channels who provide news to their localised audience in English. My written and spoken command of the english language is advanced. Does anyone who is a part of Yahoo questions and answers have this information or know where I should dircect my enquiries. Thank you for your time.




  1. For info about TV news channels, you may contact Prasar Bharati at its HQ at Mandi House, (1.5 kms away from Connaught Place) New Delhi. They have complete details and are national level authority to licence TV Channels.

    However, you would be required to contact each such channel of your own for work.

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