
Is there a religion that doesn't believe in h**l, but in one place that EVERYONE goes to in the afterlife?

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Is there a religion that doesn't believe in h**l, but in one place that EVERYONE goes to in the afterlife?




  1. Judaism does

  2. The Newage religion perpetrates this false belief.

    The question is; are you willing to gamble eternity on this lie?

  3. Judaism believes this.

  4. I believe, Judaism.

  5. Mine accepts any beliefs and religious practices, and offers only a set of moral points called the Life Lights.

    There are 3 Life Lights, but the first one has 5 points. So in a way there's 7.

    As far as beliefs are concerned, there are four different areas in terms of God belief. Pikan Deists believe that God created Nature first. After that initial creation, it's up to the individual. Second Spirits believe God was the first creation of a non-sentient Nature. Again, after that is up to the individual. Natural Pikans believe that God IS Nature, and that Nature is a sentient being. Pikan Atheists (I am one) believe there is no God, only non-sentient Nature. All practices and forms of worship are welcome.

    for more on Pikanism, I welcome you to


    ~Loving Light~

  6. sears

  7. it's called atheism.

  8. well, you can believe this if you want, buti hope you have a portable fan and LOTS of batteries....

  9. It's called atheism. Hurr. We go in the grave in the afterlife.

  10. The late George Carlin claimed that Timothy Leary's brother, Really Leary, subscribed to a religion that believed that when you die your soul goes to a garage in Baltimore.

  11. Well, Universalism is where you think that everyone goes to heaven.

    So I guess Unitarian Universalism could fit the bill.

  12. Novus Spiritus is a spiritual organization rather than religion. Exerpt taken from

    H E L L


    The only h**l we will ever know is Earth. Yes indeed, we are right-smack-dab in the middle of h**l. As Milton wrote, the mind is its own place, and can make a heaven of h**l, or a h**l of heaven.

    How do we know this? From the first premise of God. God is all loving. There is no room in Novus' beliefs for a place of eternal damnation and suffering. The mere idea of God tormenting His people is ludicrous.

    In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "sheol" is the reference for our word h**l. However, sheol is simply defined as an abode for the dead. There is nothing in that definition which speaks about wickedness or damnation. Those later uses were crafted by man for ulterior purposes.

    Novus Spiritus agrees that h**l, this planet, is an abode for the dead. We certainly live for eternity with God in our eternal home called heaven (the Other Side). Your short stay in this world is akin to dying and having to leave home (which is the Other Side). Death on this planet is the reward of living, and a rebirth into the real life with God.

    The truest h**l is whenever we are separate from God. This planet deludes us into thinking God is not present. Earth is, therefore, the fearsome burning h**l of damnation. There is no other.

  13. It's called "Unitarian Universalism" and it's a heresy.

  14. Universalism

    Unitarian Universalists  may be one such group.

    but it is based on a misunderstanding of a verse in the New Testament

    "As in Adam all [mankind] will die, so in Christ all [believers] will be made alive"   They mistakenly make both alls to lean the all of the same group.

    It is clear form the context that the writers of the new testament did not believe in universal savaltion.  They did believe in a universal need of all men for a savior.

  15. a lot of people thought that in the afterlife everybody go to same place but when they died the realized that they were wrong but it was too late

    their skins started to slough

  16. budism and madeupismianity

  17. technically not a religion, but atheism, we believe that we all go to the same place we were before we were born.

  18. many religions believe in the afterlife but not in h**l

  19. You dont need someone elses religion to believe in something, if YOU think we all go to one place than keep believing in it not what someone else tells you to believe. Thinking for yourself is the best way to go because only you have the power to find truth within yourself.

  20. what would be the point of everyone in an "afterlife"?? there would be no boundry between good and evil. and most religions - even some of the craziest sounding ones - have a clear line of right and wrong.

    there is one thing you can do to know for absolute SURE that you will not go to h**l...and its this simple:

    put your life - everything you are - in Jesus Christ. he is the answer, and he can give you peace in knowing that everything is going to be okay.

    Seriously, this is the only real answer.

  21. Buddhism believes in that, if I'm not wrong, I mean, that we all go to the same place. the concept of h**l exists mainly in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Jews call it Sheol and it's somehow different than the Christian one and Muslim basically have the same idea Christians have. Hinduism and some branches of Buddhism may believe in something considered as h**l but only as a transitory state and it's not exactly the same thing as the western concept of h**l

    For me, this world is h**l, when we die we go home. We come here to learn and unfortunately most of us learn our lessons the hard way. There's no sin but learning. At least, that's what I think.

  22. Wiccan. will tell you anything you need to know, or feel free to email me any questions.

  23. I asked this same Question,and  there is only one Truth!

    Please look up the Scriptures Quoted here....

    There are, no doubt, millions of sincere people that belong to religious organizations that believe that their dead relatives or friends are in purgatory or a h**l of torment conscious and suffering, and that they could be aided by the prayers of men on earth. Such teaching has caused people much sorrow. How can the Bible set such sincere people free? By revealing the state of the dead. God, who knows the condition of the dead and where they are, sets down in simple phrases in the Bible their exact state. When the truth of the state of the dead is learned, this truth sets free.

    For example, the Bible says: “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing.” Reason for a moment. In order for the dead to suffer they would have to know it. They would have to be conscious, cognizant of their status. But the Bible tells us “the dead know not any thing”. It is impossible for them to be suffering, because they do not know of their condition. They are not conscious of it. They are dead. In fact, the Bible goes on to say that “there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest”. (Eccl. 9:5, 10) If there is no work, knowledge or wisdom, how can there be suffering? Impossible. The dead are where Jesus said they were, in their graves awaiting a resurrection. (John 5:28; Ps. 146:4; 115:17) The dead are not suffering in any purgatory, because no such place exists. Nor are they alive in a fiery h**l, conscious, enduring painful torment. The Bible very plainly states that the dead are dead, unconscious, in their graves awaiting a day of resurrection. When such truths are learned from God’s Word it opens the prison house of darkness and frees one from superstition, pagan mythological teachings, traditions and falsehood. The Bible does make free.

    It is urgent at this time for all to turn to the Bible for a study of its truth and say: “This is what the Bible teaches regarding the distress in the world, the cause of death, hereafter, human destiny, and our only hope”; and not: “This is what my church teaches, or what my teacher believes, or what I think is right.” Human reasonings have led this world into its present fearful, perilous condition.

  24. Atheists...except thats not a religion...and no one goes anywhere...because there is no afterlife.  It's a good gig, but only if you can really handle being your own moral authority and don't fear the idea of no life after death.

  25. Wicca (religions), and many pagan religions.

  26. Yes, out of the major religions. Hinduism. They do not believe in h**l, they believe in re-incarnation. There is no h**l, the lowest you can get is this earth.

    If you are very good, you achieve, 'Moksha' and are liberated from your human form.

    If you are bad, you come back as a lesser thing.

    There is no h**l involved.

  27. Jews believe that!  Or at least used to at one time.  There is no mention of either Heaven or h**l in the Old Testament.  Instead there is a place called 'Sheol' which is a sort of a shadowlands, where everyone goes.  It is more a place of rest than a place of reward or punishment.

    The afterlife has never been a big factor in Judaism.  Judaism is not about -salvation-, it's about moral/ethical principles, living the best you can while you're here, and we'll deal with the Next Thing when we get there.

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