
Is there a right and a wrong way to put a roll of toiletpaper on,?

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Does anyone know if there are any

--"DIRECTIONS FOR USE"-- technically in existence?




  1. There really is'nt a right or wrong way to put the roll on.I perfer the roll to come over the top,that's the way all motel and hotels do.Good Luck!

  2. If the guys here in this house just change the roll, I'm happy whichever way they put it! Personally I put it over, but everyone has their preference.

  3. It should roll off the top towards you,

  4. Used to be a hotel maid in high school and the only way we were allowed to hang it is so the paper comes over, then we folded it into a triangle to show we had been there. Now I am a guest at hotels a great deal, and they all do it that way, so I assume that over is the correct way.

  5. I've read and heard that the proper way is the feminine way, 'over' because they usually use two hands. Real men use the 'under' method because they are capable to use one hand and pull up to tear the paper (leverage). If you try to tear the paper pulling down, it's more probable the roll will spin if it doesn't tear. It's a matter of physics.

    The 'typical' American home has two rolls of paper in the bathroom, one roll installed 'over' for the female, and the other roll tossed on the floor for the male.

  6. underneath.

  7. The law states 'over the top only'

  8. As long as it's there - that's the main concern.

    I'd say most people (me included) prefer it to roll over the top. However, if you own a cat, you might want to have it come out the bottom. That way the cat can't unroll it all over the room.

  9. Well some people have pet peeves about this. Some people perfer the toilet paper to unroll from the bottom and some like it to unroll from he top. No, there is no wrong or right way. It's all about preference.

  10. People have their own opinions, but of course, the only correct way is over the top.

  11. What ever floats your boat/

  12. Please do not re-ignite the quasi-religious

    Underhand/Overhand Toilet Paper  controversy here.

    This was such a nice quiet forum.

    Opinions are deeply and zealously held on the subject,

    and marriages have foundered upon it.

    Lives may have been lost!, (Though that is only rumored).

    BTW. The ONLY way is 'underhand', so that the loose end is

    always free to grab in case of a T.P. emergency.

  13. I don't think there's a right or wrong. I prefer that it roll from the top.

  14. Yes there is - and the debate goes on.....

  15. No personel prefrence.

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