
Is there a right way to have an expensive gift exchanged?

by  |  earlier

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I got an expensive gift for my birthday. Although i love the gift, it is simply too difficult for me to use and is, quite frankly, causing me a lot of headaches trying to figure it out. I was wondering if there was a right way, if at all, to have this gift exchanged for something very similar, yet easier for me to use?




  1. Been there.They didn't enclose a reciept,Sears wouldn't take it back without one,so I just gave it to someone else.I didn't regift it,I told them they were welcome to it,since I didn't want it.It was an expensive Christian Dior perfume set.Didn't like it,couldn't exchange it,so what choice did I have?Don't hurt their feelings and ask.Just accept it

  2. depends who gave it to you. if it's a close family member just tell them the truth, if not, it's a bit tricky, you may have to grin and bear it.

  3. Gee, some one gives you a really nice gift and you don't even bother reading the instruction manual on it and would just rather not waste any brain power figuring it out??

  4. yes ask the giver for the receipt and go get DA cash

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