
Is there a rugby team called wasps. if so do they have a bee team?

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Is there a rugby team called wasps. if so do they have a bee team?




  1. Liking the joke.

    There is a rugby team called Wasps in London, and I would expect them to have a reserve team.

    Try this site:

  2. ha ha ha....yes there ia a rugby union team called wasp there frm down south london area

  3. ha ha, wasps is a real team yes!

  4. omg what a joke....................................... yes they are n london i take it ur nt a comedian??

  5. There is a team called Wasps in the Guinness Premiership but there 'B' team is called the 'A' team (something I've never understood about top flight sport... as if the people in the 'A' team are going to go home crying if you just tell them they're actually in the 'B' team).

    There is also a team from Birmingham (I think it's a resulter of a merger between Birmingham and Solihull rugby clubs) called the Pertemp Bees. They're not bad either and it's not inconceivable for the Wasps to play the Bees in this year's Powergen Cup. To my knowledge they've never played each other but I'm not totally sure about that and may be wrong.

    Would make for a good headline : Wasps sting Bees or Bees Sting Wasps - but when Bees sting they die and that would be tragic so perhaps not. Either way, it's more likely that Wasps would win the game.

  6. wow, how long did it take you to come up with that one!! yes on both counts tho

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