
Is there a rule about when to pick Tomatoes?

by  |  earlier

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How red should they be, or at all




  1. They have to be at least turning red--if they're completely green, they won't ripen off the vine.  If they've started turning red, even if there is still green on them, they will go ahead and ripen inside.  Just set them on the counter or on a table and they'll be ready in a few days.  Though they're best straight off the vine, if you have "critters" that like the taste, like we do, it's better to pick them before they get completely ripe.

  2. they will continue to ripen when they are off the vine. the riper they get on the vine the sweeter they are is the rule.

  3. You pick them when they are RED and firm. It is acceptable to pick them when there is still a little green on them, but then you must put them in the kitchen window, or some other SUNNY place.

    But they are really much tastier if you let them ripen on the vine!

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