
Is there a rule against stealing cheerleading routines?

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There is a squad who is not in our division and wins first every year. Is it wrong for our squad to steal their 2006 dance routines? We would make a few tweaks to originate it but at least 90% would be theirs. Is there a rule against this?




  1. I can't find exact documentation to say that there are rules against it, but that's probably because that's just an unspoken rule and everyone understands that you shouldn't do it. It is WRONG to steal another routine.

    Getting ideas from a routine or even taking some moves and changing them are one thing (over the years, I've noticed that a lot of moves in cheerleading get recycled time and time again), but flat-out copying a routine is unacceptable. The squad that you want to copy would probably be flattered that you enjoyed their routine, but would be appalled if you took it. Who knows, they may be able to pursue legal action.

    In other words, don't do it. It's not worth the trouble and your reputation. You can hire a choreographer to help you or you can work on a routine yourselves. Just don't take another squad's routine.

    I was a cheerleader for 14 years, including at the collegiate level. I was a cheer instructor for a cheer company and a coach. I know it can sometimes be frustrating to come up with a good routine, but it is worth it when you do it and you know that you did it yourself. Good luck!!

  2. yes. if you are going to take their dance at least have 50% of your own moves. Any team who needs to steal routines does not deserve to win. You don't see teams like WORLD CUP stealing routines. If you can't think of one on your own hire an instructer. Many gyms offer choreography classes. Try and come up with your own routine before stealing someone elses

  3. umm i think so

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