
Is there a rule agianst having long hair in boxing?

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i know that you can be forced to shave your beard if your opponent protest but i dont know if the same rule applys to your hair can you be forced to cut your hair




  1. yes you can that is why most all boxers have shaved heads and no facial hair but in womens the rules are different you just have to keep it in a ponytail

  2. yes there is a rule about this in amateur boxing...

    "Hair shall be cut or arranged beneath the headgear in such a manner as no more than five inches below the base of the headgear". as for professional boxing there may or may not be a rule but I do not know what it is if there is one. As for the beard you may not have anything more than a thin mustache in either professional or amateur boxing

  3. There isn't. But it gets annoying especially when you sweat, it can get into your eyes an irritate you giving you teary eyes, it gets on the way of your vision most of the time, you can tie it up to avoid a lot of headaches, and a few MMA fighters had long hair, some tied it too, never seen a pro boxer with long hair, it probably is possible for the boxing glove to get tangled with the hair or something.

  4. Nope. A boxer may protest an opponants beard or hair and the commision would step in and try to mediate it so that both sides are happy.

    But their is no rule stateing that you cannot have long hair. Holyfeild went years with a beard, so did Joe Frazier. Holyfield claimed that the hair on the chin allows the glove to slip off the chin easier. Course he dosnt have a beard now so mabey it was all bunk.

    But yea, No rule.

  5. To sum Up Starr's Answer ---No There Is No Rule

  6. yea you can

  7. and what would you know of boxing my young fr, the fact of the matter is you should have sort hair and this is why some times boxer can hit you faster then you can blink and i am one but iam now old and have not fought in25years have had to REIT because of head injury's i would NT go down for the 8 now you are sitting there thinking guy there is 10 in a count right but every good boxer stands at eight because if you are more hurt then you know  you will not  know do you get what iam saying and then the ref. will call it and they will s***w you in total i have had close two 400fights 200 where out of the ring and in warehouses keep your hair sort this way it willnot get in your eyes it willnot cause little slits in the conners of your eyes  rem,the ref  if he see s to much blood and or thinks that you will lose a eye willstop the fight another reason why is  so you do not get over heated  as you get better and better they will put in places the are real h**l houses / keep ytour hair sort to hounner us that came before you its a fact that all great boxers had or havse sort hair now kid prove me wrong what champ do you know tht had long hair  you see!do you want to be a champ do you or are you waste ing peoples time because you cant take the hits well whats it going to be?if you want to be a champ keep your big mouth shut and let your hands do the talking thats right i am a *** hole and i am one htst can take you right to the top dont need to but maybe just maybe that spirt of yours will make up for your little brainhow many punches do you through in a round how many how many ?you dont know do you !a you can guess but do you know?thats right as many as you need to the numbers are never the same however the more you slip out there the more points you get  here we had to hit some one 3 times in a sweet spot before we where given a pointkid boxing is not what people think they see two people in a ring beatting each other buy a good boxer knows that that is his ground to protect and know one no one is getting into his house understandevery inch must be protected and you must know how many steps you can take bck and when to take those steps boxing is like chees do yopu want to play? i am 42 years of age but i can show you how to put some one to sleep in a frac,of a sec and when i was at the top of my game i slipped trying to make extra money in a warehousei am not well known to the boxing world anymore but there allways is they keep good records now oba pulled my ticket and fined me for fighting outside of the ring i lost my name and my livlyhood  and because i fought outside of the ring they tossed my good recored and my name out of it but that was along time ago if you want to be the best dont ask dum questions and never ever ever fight outside of the ring becaue if you get nailed now a days they will even but you in jail you me boxing is are job thats what it is but but they see different more or less kid keep your job in the ring never bring it home with you understand and no they will not force you to cut your hair but  if you value your job cut your dam hair

  8. y would u want a lot of hair boxing anyway i mean covers ur eyes and ur done

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