
Is there a rural area near Burbank, California to live in, 4-5 bedrooms with a couple of hectares of land?

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Any where up to an hour or so away..Thanks...I know I'm not asking for much!!!..;-)




  1. If you want a couple acres of land you're probably not going to find anything within an hour from Burbank. You need to look out towards the deserts, like the Palmdale area or Victorville area, but on the outskirts of those cities. In Phelan, you could probably find something like what your looking for.

  2. You're kidding, right?

    The Los Angeles metro area is HUGE. You didn't mention "inexpensive", but it's implied. That just doesn't exist here in this area. You could go to Lancaster and Palmdale, about an hours drive, and get a couple of hectares (5 acres), but it's DESERT. For example, you can get a parcel of land in Palmdale, about 70 miles north of Burbank, for about $45,000 that's about a hectare. Oh, you want a house on it? You're probably going to pay about $300,000 more.

    (Don't look at the pretty pictures of the developed areas. Look at the desert scene pictures, straight out of "Death Valley Days".).

  3. Yeah.  Eastern Nevada.

  4. Define near.

    Burbank is in the middle of a dense urban city. What you describe is available within 10 miles of Burbank for perhaps $10,000,000.

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