
Is there a safe cleaning solution that I can make at home to clean pet urine spots on carpets?

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It needs to be something that totally eliminates the smell so he wont be tempted to go inside again. Thanks.





  2. Try very hot water and lemon juice.

  3. ~~ The best remedy beats all store stuff I ever bought. Take 3 parts of hydrogen peroxide to three drops of dish washing soap. Mix together then sponge over the stains. Let it sit one hour, then wipe clean with a clean cloth and water. The stains magically disappear. Most carpet is colorfast, but just in case-do a test on an inconspicuous spot first.~~

  4. vinegar and water.i would clean the stain with pure vinegar and then rinse it with water.that will take the smell and the stain away.

  5. I used Borax

    It picks up the urine, odor, and stain

    Pore a heaping amount on top and let it pull the urine up overnight. Then scoop up as much as possible and vacuum the rest.

    I also got a year old dark pet urine stain out of my daughter's apt carpet by spraying it wet with OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover spray and pressing (by stepping on) a towel on top . Then let it set there for a couple hours. I lifted the towel and the stain was gone.

    This is after the carpet cleaner company had cleaned the carpet twice and they didn't get the stain out!!

  6. Unfortunately pet stains are the hardest to get out.

    Sometimes impossible.

    The urine will seep down inside the Carpet into the pad & sometimes even the floor.

    You should get it professionally cleaned.

    You have to pull back the carpet, cut out the affected pad, clean the floor with bleach.

    Take a sample of pad to Home Depot to match

    Replace the pad & you could try to clean the carpet yourself but I would get a pro.

    Also whatever you do isn't guaranteed, remember pets sense of smell is like 100 x that of us.

    Good luck

  7. I don't know about any cleaning solutions, but I have a suggestion for future accidents while they're still fresh.

    After soaking up what you can with a towel, sprinkle a generous coat of baking soda over the spot. let it sit for an hour or so, to wick up excess moisture. Then vacuum.

    I used this method quite a bit when my pup was small, and it worked pretty well. Just make sure the spot is as dry as you can get it before putting the soda down.  

  8. Some thing that is totally safe, inexpensive, and you've probably got in your kitchen cabinet is: White Vinegar. If you've got a steam cleaner or one of those carpet cleaners things, you can pour some on the spot and wait a while and use the steam cleaner to remove the vinegar and the smell with it.

    If you don't have a steam cleaner, you can try this: Pour some vinegar on the spot let it set for a while then put a towel down on the spot and stand on it to soak it up. You may have to do the towel thing several times or get a big person to stand on the towel.  

  9. there used to be something at sams club, i think it was elmiorder or something made just for this.

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