
Is there a school(like Hogwarts) in the world that teaches wizardary?

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Is there a school(like Hogwarts) in the world that teaches wizardary?




  1. No, but it would be cool if there were, though.

  2. oh dear.

    well, god forbid. next thing you know the whole worlds gona be going avada kedavra on your a**.

  3. How about UCLA...I know when John Wooden was there in the 60's and 70's, they called him "The Wizard of Westwood?"

    And, come to think of it, he's got a lot of Dumbledore-ish qualities.

    Could John Wooden really BE Albus Dumbledore?

    Have you ever seen the two of them together?  


  4. no sorry

  5. No unfortunately, but there are some great books around about magic, like how to pull rabbits out of hats and stuff like that...

  6. How good life COULD be... if only!

  7. no i dont think so

  8. i wish

  9. nah, but that's what makes the book even more interesting the only thing that is close is illusions but that's not really magic just tricks on the eye and scams (if you look at them carefully).........(but i really wish there was i would totally go to it and why don't you stuff it you haters?)

  10. Of course not , but thats what that makes books more

    interesting doesn't it ?

  11. I believe schools for Wiccans exist but as for a magical place like Hogwarts, only in our imaginations.

  12. mean hogwarts isn't real!  c**p!  there go my vacation plans!

  13. durmstrang


    in the real world, no.

  14. There are schools that teach wicca and other forms of paganism.  

    They are religious though.  If you wanna learn magic that isn't tied to religion, you have to apprentice with a performance illusionist.

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