
Is there a scientific reason why old people drive so slow?

by Guest44586  |  earlier

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It doesn't seem to be random at all. They all drive very slow even when it's dangerous with posted speed limits well above the speed they may travel at. I can understand walking or moving slow, but why driving?




  1. they are smarter and more experienced than the rest of us. They know the consequences of automobile accidents.

  2. they have bad sight over age ... so if you don't see well you will need to drive slowly to prevent hitting anyone.

  3. i think just because when your older you usually tend to become all around slower, so they probably just hold on to that while they drive, its what they're are used to i guess

    it also may just be their generation, maybe they accually followed the speed limits back then :)

  4. They can't see very well.

  5. Parkinson's disease and medications could be some of the causes for driving slowly.

    Well am I the only one who thinks 'Parkinson's disease'?

    It is said that people with this disease shouldn't drive! It's almost like taking those pills which reduce your reflexes and make you sleepy.

    And I bet that lots of old people are on those meds anyway, lol.

    Ahh... I shouldn't be laughing about it, it's kinda sad. Sorry.

    But lots of medication reduce your abilities to handle machines and cars by a great deal, and it reads so in the instructions too!...if you can read them, lol.

    Glad I am not taking any meds.

    p.s. (damned spellchecker)

  6. yes, diminished reaction times - and fear.

  7. They don't see well and their reaction time is slower.  Also, they know they don't drive as well as they used to but are reluctant to give up driving, because doing so would take away their freedom to go where and when they needed.  A 90+ year old hit my Dad in a convenience store parking lot, causing him to fly off her hood.  She kept driving (slowly) as people ran after her to stop her.  She didn't know she had hit him (he's fine, thank God).  In my state, you can renew your license by mail, so we have a lot of little old people who should not be on the road.

  8. For 4 reasons:

    1) experience, driving fast is risky

    2) fear, plain old fear, bad experiences

    3) less hormones that make you drive fast,

    4) less nerves and reflexes to drive faster.

  9. By that age, they have all experienced the complete idiocy of driving at the speed you apparently want to go.

  10. The older you get, the more you are aware of your mortality.

  11. Because when you drive, it requires your visual, auditory, sesory, mechanisms to be working and your brain to be aware of the cars in front of you, behind you, at the side or you - al this while paying attention to stop lights

    IF you have ever driven when you were on medication that makes you drowsy, you will know the feeling

    your reaction time definately decreases as you age

  12. Most people choose to drive cautiously or just aren't in a hurry.  Or perhaps they're new in town and taking in scenery.  Its all personal preference.  Being old doesn't mean you drive slow.  There is no scientific evidence of driving speed to age.  

  13. LOL!  You made me laugh with this because... well... it seems to be true!  Perhaps because their reflexes are slow?  And their body parts have stiffened?  My friend just moved to Florida where there are a lot of retirees.  She says when she's driving, all she sees is what she calls Q-Tips (white haired people with stiff necks).  

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