
Is there a scientific study of emotions? If so, what is it called?

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Is there a scientific study of emotions? If so, what is it called?




  1. "Neuroscience is at the frontier of investigation of the brain and mind. The study of the brain is becoming the cornerstone in understanding how we perceive and interact with the external world and, in particular, how human experience and human biology influence each other."

    There have been studies on the science of emotion.

    from Physics and Consciousess website:

    "Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist,..Using imaging devices that show what occurs in the brain during meditation...Mindfulness meditation strengthens the neurological circuits that calm a part of the brain that acts as a trigger for fear and anger. This raises the possibility that we have a way to create a kind of buffer between the brain's violent impulses and our actions. "

  2. psychology

  3. I wish I could say "emotionology"... but that's not correct...

    Actually, the study of emotions comes under "Psychology". Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior, mental processes, and how they are affected and/or affect an individuals or group's physical state, mental state, and external environment. Psychologists get a chance to work with those who have 'mental' or 'emotional' disorders, as well as study the human brain and how it works.

    Psychiatry on the other hand, is more of the medical-field based. They (Psychiatrists) are the ones who detect and treat mental or emotional disorders.

  4. yes there is its called psychology

  5. psychiatry

  6. Endocrinology, neurology, psychiatry and psychology are studies each of which contributes greatly to our understanding of emotions.

  7. psychology is a study of mental processes that includes the study of emotions.  

    psychiatry is the medical field concerning psychology

  8. Emotion is complex, and the term has no specific scientific

    branch,it involves many approaches for studying emotions

    The study of emotions is part of psychology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence and sociology as well;and as the subject of scientific research has multiple dimensions: behavioral, physiological, subjective, and cognitive

  9. psychology, psychiatry

  10. of course, there's a study for emotions.

    it's the sichology.

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