
Is there a secret bod between slowness and memory, between speed and forgetting?

by  |  earlier

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for instance, when we remember something all of a sudden and we are in the street... why do we have to slow down to savor the recollection?




  1. ...yes...and because of this, life's little challenges possess meaning for we live in a world that is governed by's only when we stop  to "reflect" on a forgotten memory that we can suspend ourselves into timeless animation and cherish it's gift giving sighs

  2. You slow down?  I just stop in my tracks...amazed...lost...and then I remember to walk on....chewing,  savouring the tasty bits....and smiling stupidly all the way to destination.

    There HAS to be a bond...that pulls the stop.

  3. It's related to concentration.  You have to eliminate distractions to concentrate.  So we slow down.  Like when we are searching for an address in the car and we turn the radio down.

  4. I would say you must have typed this question with great speed as you forgot how to spell bond.

    Slow down and savor the language.

  5. Wow, nice observation. Maybe, much like a computer, when we begin to process something major our resources are taken from other areas. This way we can concentrate the main frame to the task that is taking most of our attention.

  6. I think the novels of Milan Kundera do a wonderful job of answering this question.


  7. What a beautiful question and esquisite answers....

    sorry, I'm slowing down to savor it.


  8. It would be sensible to ask this in psychology because memory is a psychological subject.

  9. I don't think that it's a secret bond at all... in fact I think it's quite an obvious one.

    It's a chemically natural reaction that occurs in our brain. It's the same as when endorphins are released, or adrenaline is released. They all produce a slowing affect so we have the time to recollect and respond. Perhaps it's not, as you say, ourselves slowing down to savor the memory, but rather our brain speeding up. Just like anything else, remembering takes time, it takes time for the correct memory to appear, and it takes time for our brain to pull up a familiar memory when we see or smell something familiar... and it doesn't take long for the memory to appear... we're talking nanoseconds... our brains speed through the process and dump those memories onto our consciousness. Your feeling of slowing down happens when the consciouses mind mingles with the subconscious mind.

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